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This is the fourth and last audio of the pheromone series for males, Androsterone. 

What the audio will do is: Stimulate the body/glands to produce and secrete around 28-30mg of Androsterone. And as two extra effect, there is energy for boosting confidence as well, aside from the effects of the own pheromone. And the other addition which is to increase your presence and personal aura power, which will make others respect you more due to the powerful presence. You should notice that being unnoticed is a very unlikely option while using this audio.

You may listen 1-2 times. For stack audio you possibly don't need more than once though use at your own needs. 

OBS: Regardless of pheromone type, it's advised for not to constant use of pheromones production formulas, and as the same as general hormones, they have their long term effects if used too frequently depending of the ammount or dosage of pheromones, just like a cycle. Having much pheromones at the time being might not be a problem for most people, though having too much pheromone in a daily basis can present side effects in a long term usage. If you plan to use constantly, observe the effects in your body mood and overall while using it frequently as not everyone might respond the same. This is for ALL pheromones. And this a NATURAL cause from human byology, not from the formulas itself. 





Freedom, I have a question. It'll be more effective if you listen to the subconscious as well as your energy audio, right? And if you listen to subconscious integrated audio, you don't have to listen to subconscious connected audio, do you?


I didn't quite understood the first question. Can you elaborate more, please? As for the second question, yes. You don't need the Connection one if you have the Unification. It already covers the first part.


when listening to the same topic,I'm asking if it's better to listen to it together because energy audio and subliminal are different


As long you can handle it, you can listen to them at the same time if they are the same topic. It could work synergistically.

SKa Sh

Hey, I was one of the first to use your female pheromones video, it was amazing, at that time you told me you have a copulins one coming on the way, I know you are very busy, and I understand it might not happen since you said this was the last, but cant a girl try lol. I hope its made someday.


Hello! I have been planing to do more audios for female public in the beginning, though I don't hear much of or have commentaries of them, so it's one reason I tend to do more male content and general unisex. That's good to see that still there are a few active, so I might consider doing it yes :) This is not the last pheromone but last for male.

SKa Sh

Well, I am your biggest fangirl, your energy is amazing, it connects so easily with me and helps me manifest faster. My life has leveled up with all your unisex and brain audios, gracias, you are a genius and I am pretty sure you will be super successful with both sexes. Have an amazing day!