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This production is designed to actually increase the power of your subconscious mind and give it a SUBCONSCIOUS boost, not to be confused with a SUBLIMINAL boost. This will not really give a boost on affirmations or subliminal messages in the traditional way, but it is very similar to this concept. Instead, it will boost the natural power and manifestation power of your subconscious itself so it will be tremendously more powerful to administrate the affirmations and commands that enter it. Besides being said that it's not a subliminal boost, it can be used as so, as it will generate an effect much like of what subliminal boosters provides, though in a more extreme way. Over time, it should continue to increase the power and as well the effects of boosting increases.

What the audio will do: Break and dissolve the limits(Ceilings) of the subconscious mind itself as well as its internal processes, and so it will boost tremendously the power of the subconscious and its manifestation power(with continuous listening, it should be a permanent effect and real expansion of your subconscious power). The extra effects are that it will as well adapt your subconscious to literally whatever form of affirmation and subliminal messages, then it will simulate an effect like a subliminal booster of affirmations.

You might use it 1-2 times before, during or after a subliminal session and it should tell your subconscious that it's time to explode in power and help with your manifestations/changes.

This one is different from the Subconscious Limitations Removal and Subconscious Suggestibility, as it focus on powering and removing the limits of the subconscious itself. You have to take care as it will NOT block any affirmation and instead do the contrary, boost them. Also, you should be careful as what you have inside  your mind, since it will boost actually the power of your subconscious, it's your responsability to allow what happens to you, be it negatively or positively what is inside already. This is as well NOT a suggestibility. I highly recommend using a subconscious limitations and negativity removal before using this.

Tips on how increase even more the benefits of this audio: Listen to Subconscious Limitations Removal, then Subconscious Suggestibility and finally this one right after and go to your session/playlist. You should expect your manifestations through your subconscious to be practically or literally instant, after one week of using this audio. Though of course, not a rule as everyone is and responds different.





Great!! Keep up the good work 👍

Tobias Fuchs

In which order with the unification audio on gumroad?


If you started to listen the Unification one just recently, then its better to listen before it, including as well before subconscious connection. If you're using the Unification from a time already, then after it is the ideal.


bro I saw a lot of effects in your audio. So I hope I can do more in the beauty field. What I would recommend is that you make an energy programming audio that makes your eyes bigger, your skull smaller, or your face oval I'm curious. You can adjust your bones using Morphicfield or Energy Programming Audio to create a height grow taller, golden-ratio face or a higher nose, but I'm curious. Producers who create Morphic Fields or Energy Programming Audio do not attempt to adjust the audio for larger eyes, skull -> head small, face small, or oval face -> face shape energy programming. Is it because it's a difficult field? If you think about it, I think it's possible. Freedom Can you make it? In short, although you can adjust the bones with audio, none of the Morphic and Energy producers make the eyes bigger, the face smaller, the head smaller, or the face shape adjustment audio. If possible, could you make four of these topics and upload them on Patreon?


I'm not speaking for general creators, though just giving an idea, as they might have their own reasons as well. These kind of fields are possible yes, though in most cases, these kind of topics are very detailed ones, which tends to take a lot more effort and energy. Since energy programming or any energetic method tends to be demanding and draining to the user, most creators avoid doing these specific things as a general of their content. It's wether because it is a complicated task to deal in a frequent basis or because everyone will have millions of requests and suggestions with different specific and detailed topics. That way, most creators tends to let these kind of work for custom requests, which obviously will ask some price in exchange. As these energetic methods works in a different way than subliminals or frequencies, the energetic method is not used much for very detailed beauty/cosmetic tasks since the energy will not really only target that specific part of your body. It's a more general use and not usually used with such precision. This way subliminals are more abundant in that case, since it's telling your mind to adjust. On the energy, it's not exactly your own and might not follow your exactly desire depending on the energy. So these are the major general reasons why you don't see these kind of works.


My project for example, is not to be focused on these cosmetic and physical things so much, though I do the most general ones with a little different spices, because people are usually searching more about these things. Though a very specific and detailed cosmetic/beauty related program is not the plan as well, as it would lead to many people asking for different things since one was made and also there will be a lot more work to do, time and energy to spend. Since this project is not my main plan or living job or something of the like, I don't really have plans for such specific things. It's more of hobby to help people and enhance/improve their lives in some way.


I have a question, bro. If I listen to Convert Subliminal Affirmations To Energy Audio, will there be no booster effect Even if you listen to other latent energy audio (Subconscious Limits Removal, Subconscious Connection, Subconscious Unification,Subconscious Extra etc.)? Because it transforms the subconscious into energy. Also, if it works, What's the order of listening?


Also, May I ask for a customization request in your email? I'll pay for it.


Your subconscious is still working while the Converter is active in effects. It converts, but the affirmations are still physical anyway so you might get some short of double effect. Any order is good, though if you want a more fluid one then: Subconscious Limits Removal, Connection(or Unification if you have it), Suggestibility and lastly Subconscious power. This order was used by a tester, which increased their manifestation/results incredibly high according to them. I'm not open to requests right now, but if you really want it, you can send email and I try to reorganize my list.


Bro I sent you an email Please check