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Hello my patrons! 

This is a post to announce my new method of boosting that serves even for normal files that are posted here and Youtube. Firstly, I want to thank you for your support and appreciation for my work, it's really appreciated and shows me that my work is still useful to you. And as a gratitude, a little present from me, I will be posting the normal audio files + the stacked version of these normal audios, so you have the opportunity to experience practically the same potency and effectiveness as Boosted audios on Gumroad(Unless the audios on gumroad have their normal boosted effect or more content added to them).

So let me explain how this new stack version works: This stack version consist on stacking or put the raw original energy(The entire field of energy) one on top of another, being them the same field. This multiplicate the field instead of the energies inside the field itself, which means all qualities are stacked. This form of boosting is different than boosting the energies directly which I normally do, and this is rather multiplicating the same field of energy in a few times, therefore if even the energies that are boosted inside the field, are boosted even more without losing quality or saturation as well.

So when this stack used on normal audios, it will have almost the same power and effectiveness than the audios on gumroad. Though it will be a mild stack and not so much stack. It means that boosted audios on gumroad still have a little prevalence if they are boosted normally plus the stacked version of this boosted.

 New audios after this post, they will all contain the stacked version file as well, depending on the topic of the audio since not everything can be bindly have its effects multiplicated. And for all previous audios on the page, they will be updated with the stack version as well. I'll be updating it from 19th to 21/03, so from 21/03 you can review every old post and see that the stacked version will be there for download. This will be available only for patreon, while youtube will continue to be the standard version. And of course, these files will contain safe features to prevent any form of dishonesty with my work.

Thank You! And Enjoy!



I listened to superhuman from gumroad (boost - no music), and immediately after that to superhuman from patreon (stack 1x). I felt energy from patreon stronger and that something is different, also - there was pain in head, and felt pressure in eyes. This doesn't really mean that patreon is stronger (or this method is better suited to me) I guess. Maybe the same (pain, eyes) would happen if I change order or just listen 2 times to the same one. But I looked at gumroad and I see there are 3 fields: - (Boost - No Music) - (Boost - Stack 1x) - (Boost - Stack 2x) I maybe misunderstood but was not aware gumroad also have stack version. Could you please clarify, because files are named the same: gumroad: Superhuman Genetics & Cells (Boost - Stack 1x).mp3 patreon: Superhuman Genetics & Cells (Boost - Stack 1x).mp3 Do I understand correctly that gumroad is boosted in both ways, while patreon only in one way? Or are these the same files? BTW I got email from you with updated gumroad files, but that was for another field. And also - thanks very much for these updates and generally for fields :).


Yes, the boosted audios on gumroad(not all) were updated with new boost method recently. The time you acquired it we didn't had the stack version. Patreon members have now stack version at least 1x(Unless I put some audio on gumroad, patreon will have the strongest version, though if there are the same audio on gumroad, it contains one or 2 more stronger version than patreon. This is to maintain balance and not diresgard anyone money for the same file.)


If you have acquired the files on Gumroad previously than this new method, please send me your email, I'll confirm if they are the same email and will afterwards send to you the updated files there are on Gumroad now. I sending these updated files personally to people who have acquired the previous version of Gumroad. Tell me the topics you have acquired and I will confirm in the data of Gumroad and send them to you :) Edit: I also recommend to not listen stack versions on headphones, it can overwhelm your brain/head easily and put too much pressure on it. For Stack Versions, most recommended is only speakers regardless.


If i choose to listen x3 stack version some of your subs have 3x stack version, does it means i need only listen once for that version in order to work for results ?


Generally, only once is enough in such potency, as well in 2x. It's totally dependent on the topic in question. In an example, you don't want to use it more than once for pheromones or hormones related, though the it would be fine if you can listen more for specific physical development, such as muscle growth etc.


What about the grow taller topic ? Do i need the x3 stack and only listen once for massive activation of the growth plate and the height overall


You have to find what is the best for you in this case, I can't say how much you can withstand the energies, just what is general recommendation. I always recommend starting by the lower and then increasing the potency as you'd like. if you want a recommendation, start using the stack 2x first and then the 3x. If you want to listen 3x more than once a day, it's just recommended you separating the listenings throught the day. Keep in mind everyone respond different to any formula. If someone grew from a day to another, don't means it will be the same for you or vice-versa. In any way it will do the job :)


Thank you , i just want to grow taller more and more , thats my mostly desire from audios


You will grow. Just keep a good diet with abundance minerals such as Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium and Vitamin K2. Also I recommend listening the HGH Boost and HGH Receptor formulas, so you can accelerate the growth.