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Androstadienone (androsta-4,16,-dien-3-one) is a male pheromone present in sweat, that cause changes on women's social behaviour and intimacy. These pheromones are produced by suprarenal glands or adrenal glands and secreted by exocrine glands in few or high amount depending on individuals. The effects of Androstadienone pheromones is known for sexual attraction and mood, being one of the mos powerful pheromones by having wide variety of "romantic" effects on women, this also affects women's cognition on how they perceive men with this pheromone, as being "more attractive" than naturally is. This pheromone is also known for causing positive well being in women when in contact with.   

What is the energy encoded is programmed to do is: Increase natural production of Androstadienone little by little and stimulates the secretion by sweat glands on the body. The concentration of Androstadienone may elevate and helps in sexual attraction.   

This is NOT a magical formula, so this will not do miracles in blink of eyes, this may ease seduction but the opposite gender is not going to throw themselves into your arms just for being in contact with the pheromones, you still need Action!  

Listen once or two times a day. Drink water and be aware of your body. Overuse may result in side effects such as anxiety, depression or  agressive alpha male behaviours.



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