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Hi there!  

This audio is an especial design and part of the Subconscious Unification step.   This energetic program is designed to: Create and construct a link and connection between the Conscious and Subconscious mind. This will weaken the metaphysical boundary "Consciousness / Subconsciousness" by constructing a bridge between these two, and then strengthen this connection. 

With this concept, it makes possible for you consciously communicate, access and control the subconscious and what is inside, at certain level.  In base it's a similar concept to Mind Palace of Sherlock Holmes, so you may be required to work with it to understand and comprehend it first hand. It's like entering at your personal library or space inside of your mind, and altering what is inside, accessing etc. But the general purpose of the audio is connection between you conscious and subconscious, which allows for better understanding and changing of actions in accordance with your desires. 

Inside the subconscious lies memories, feelings, patterns and behaviours, belief systems, stored energies, informations and knowledges, so you can be able to access all this intuitively as an ability with your communication with your subconscious.  

Recommended listen 3 times per day. Drink water and be aware of your body. If feel hard headache or similar sensations and feelings, stop and listen just another day.




Listening this over time ,this will help get result instaly from subliminals and energy fields ?


Instantly in a literal way I'm not sure, but for sure will speed up your affirmations. Energy fields do not works on your subconscious like affirmations does.