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Hello there!

It's a programming designed for women. As it's experimental, I didn't had chance to collect properly feedbacks from this one. It's a female pheromone, not for men!

What this audio is intended to do is: elevate the levels of Estratetraenol on the body, as well increase its production naturally.  

"The human putative pheromone estratetraenol (EST) (estra-1,3,5(10),16-tetraen-3-ol) was first detected in women’s late-pregnancy urine in the late 1960’s. This compound is structurally similar to estrogens and is secreted mainly by women via several body secretions, and as such it is likely to be also present in axillary sweat. Compared with male putative pheromones such as androstadienone (4,16-androstadien-3α-one), the autonomic and behavioral influences of EST on human experiences have been less extensively investigated.  Previous studies suggest that the human pheromone estratetraenol affects several systems underlying human functioning and appears to activate neural systems that are known to affect sexual behavior. In this study, we investigated whether exposure to estratetraenol affects men’s social cognition abilities. In the first experiment, men performed the Interpersonal Perception task while being exposed to estratetraenol and to a control solution. Men performed the task with better accuracy while being exposed to estratetraenol. This improvement was evident especially in the Intimacy category where participants evaluated romantic relationships. In a second experiment, we exposed a different sample of men to estratetraenol and to a control solution while performing a task that implicitly measured their emotional reaction to photos depicting two humans either romantically touching or not, with a control condition of two inanimate objects either touching or not. We found that the participants’ emotional reaction to touch was stronger under exposure to estratetraenol. Together, these results suggest that exposure to estratetraenol may trigger a change in men’s social cognition, especially in sexually related situations."  

--Resume: This audio will try to increase the amount of Estratetraenol pheromones in the body to be secreted. It trigger men's sexual attraction while high amount of the pheromone is released around. It's known to be second most potent female pheromone, the powerful one being Copulin. Though I suggest to be careful with this too, as it can probably attract more attention from males than normal. 

 Recommend listen just 2-3 times a day only if necessary. Drink water and be conscious of your body. If you feel overwhelmed or discomfort, reduce the listenings.


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