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This is not recommended for males, though if you want, you can use but be aware that you may develop feminine attributes. This is also not recommended for pregnant women.  What the audio will induce is: increase in the expression of Estrogen in the body, and also stimulate the ovaries for more natural estrogen production.  

As estrogen is a natural women hormone, having ideal amounts of it is beneficial, though having too much or excessive levels can be an enemy of women too, leading to detrimental results. So be careful!  

Some benefits of good balanced estrogen levels are: -Protects from high cholesterol and also regulates it 

-Helps in the bone strength and density 

-Helps with anti-aging effects -Libido adjustments 

-Helps in the memory function. 

-Helps with Ovary maturation. 

-Helps with breast growth and feeding function 

-Lubricate female sexual organ 

-Ease for menstral cycle or pregnancy



How often would you recommend? I am in my 60ties and glad I found this one. Thank you!


It would be wise not to listen too frequently. I recommend using it normal range of time(2-3 times a day) for 4-5x in the week and take a pause of at least 3 days consecutively without using it. Estrogen is a strong hormone and not recommended too high levels even for women, so this method may maintain safe balanced levels at all.