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screaming at this episode LORDDDD 



I know you're making these as fast as you can but watch the next episodes right away please lol.

apothecary maomao

screaming, giggling, kicking my feet at that indirect kiss scene 😆 this episode definitely gave that "end of cour" feel, things are about to get even more interesting from here on out 👀


that indirect kiss had me SCREAMING


So it wasn't MaoMao's family that was accociated with Fengming but the people who kidnapped her. So it looks like MaoMao's family but in reality she had no idea. Also MaoMao might like Jinshi a bit more, she isn't cringing and swatting his hands away anymore. Or as much.

Charles Baldwin

When your man loves you enough to buy you cordyceps. The zombie outbreak in the second cour really was a twist I didn't see coming.


I love that Gaoshun goes through all the trouble of setting up that party just so Jenshi could see Maomao again. I think Maomao likes Jinshi, but maybe doesn't look at him as a viable partner since he's a "eunch."

Benjamin Sones

Maomao is already in a dedicated relationship... WITH MEDICINE.


And he seems de be a higher rank than her and Maomao is from a low birth. So she probably can't even imagine a possible future with him.



Saiff Mohammad

Jinshi is a pure man at heart. The idea of someone he cares about deeply being ‘forced” to do anything doesn’t sit well with him. Whether it is being forced to be a slave at the rear palace, or becoming a courtesan for the brothel. He as realised and accepted that these are both things maomao does out of duty rather than free will. His self-questioning of “if I say it will happen” shows two things one Jinshi clearly hold great power in the imperial family, and two he values Maomao more than himself. He values her so much so he hides his true status and wants Maomao to live her life as a free woman. And unlike a noble or emperor he doesn’t want to use his power to make decisions for Maomao. Which is why he chooses to let Maomao make her decision of leaving a life of a ‘slave’. When Maomao comes to the palace again as a courtesan she shows how restricted, almost enslaved her life is not letting Jinshi even so touch her. Which is why Jinshi is yet still disappointed. But after understanding that what she truely wants he goes one to ask permission to touch her. And the act of his fingers touch her lips then proceeding to touch his, shows an elegant yet respectful side not force Maomao to feel uncomfortable yet playfully show his endearment for her. Similarly, when “buying” Maomao’s freedom he pays the brothers owner in gold, which mind you was excessive for a girl like Maomao, but then he also buys a gift for Maomao something which is meaningful as a present for her. He’s passionate care for Maomao is what everyone around the two see but no one comments as it’s a matter of man with power and a girl from the “streets”. Also ‘Xiaomao’ (Xiao = Young, Mao = Cat) is used as an endearing way of calling one, almost translated to “my dear mao” or “young Mao”, as her name, but as a whole “Young cat” or more so in English Xiaomao = “kitten”.


I do wonder what the future would look like through Maomao's eyes. The thing is, she knows that Lakan is her father and knows he's a high rank in the military with a good family. Formalities aside, she is technically of noble birth. I'm not sure that's how you would phrase it. I think she likes her life and doesn't want to complicate things with her status, plus she has her family. Also, she clearly wants nothing to do with Lakan, so... I imagine if she accepted him as her father, that could raise her status quite a bit. I'm just kinda speculating on this, but that's kind of how I look at it. There is a backdoor that could make it possible for them to be together. Either way, I just love this show and I can't wait to see where it goes.


Love the reactions!! Was wondering if we could get reactions to the weakest tamer began a journey to pick up trash. ITS SOO GOOOD


Best réactions in YouTube ❤️