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happy monday everyone :') this was probably the saddest episode i've watched of anything ever. i feel like i have to warn u all again that this was very emotional for me similar to the finale of s1 but...somehow worse lolflkflsdfksdf 



No need for the warning honestly I have never cried harder over a piece of fiction than I did during the last 10 minutes of this episode gardars story is one of the most tragic I’ve ever seen in anime and we really only knew the man for 4 episodes makoto yukimuras storytelling is second to none in my opinion just an incredible writer that everyone should know about


Snake was right tho


Miklagard is an old Norse name for Constantinople, which explains Snake’s curved sword. Funny to think that there were some Viking warriors in Istanbul at a certain time through history. 🙂


Vinland Saga Farmland Saga Cryland Saga this anime is a masterpiece! the way you can feel all the emotions that are portrayed is beautiful i read manga – cried like a baby watched the same scene in the anime – and again… cried like a baby lol

ivan reyes

Life for a life is always the rule even in today's world were we have a justice system. If anyone kills a family member retaliation is unavoidable and would not loss sleep from it.

Hans Wurst

This episode just hurts. Arnheid is a very brave woman, one of the best female characters of the winter season and of 2023 - and she's just a side character in this show.

Alana Misako

yeah i'm aware of that! i think it's always good to question societal norms though and wonder if they're the best way to go about things


Even if this was a long time ago, it still applies today. "For honor and wealth". Many of these people left their family for pride and status only to realise what they valued the most was at home. Love this episode.. Even if we barely knew Gardar we felt so bad for him. Makoto Yukimura is an amazing mangaka for playing with our feelings. Vinland saga is more than just a story about Vinland..


The show got her again :)


Aw man, hearing Gardar's wordless cries as he watches his younger self making the mistake he regrets always hits me so hard :( It's sad seeing you so upset during this show :( But it is also touching to see just how attached you are to the characters and story, thank you for always giving us such genuine reactions and sharing your insight into each episode :')


Just the sight of a lil kids feet kicking the air made me sob uncontrollably once again. His little boy was waiting for him to join him. 😭 Gardar’s final journey is devastating. This episode doesn’t just give us this man’s life, but it’s a reminder of all the slaves of history and today. Sverkel called slaves “unlucky” last episode. It would be soo easy to judge Gardar as a victim of his dream of ‘honour and wealth’ but Yukimura never does that. There is an understanding in this lil arc that Gardar represents humanity clinging to life when everything has fallen apart. We don’t know when our “unlucky” turn is. Everything that you see with Arnheid and Gardar in the cart is in the manga. And everything else you see is the anime team working their magic. All of Gardar’s inner world is purely anime content and it was the best addition the anime has ever done. Sometimes their additional content can be a hit or miss for me (majority of the time it is a hit though) but this was sheer perfection. Yukimura on Twitter congratulated and thanked the anime staff for their amazing work and additions and talked about how much he cried watching.


Also I strongly urge everyone to rewatch the fight between Askeladd and Thors in 1x4 and then watch Snake and Thorfinn again here in 2x17. It’s practically a mirror. Thorfinn and Askeladd lost the fight in the same way. They thought they had the upper hand but they were both tricked into thinking that. They both focused too much on the technicality of the fight, whereas Snake and Thors looked at the bigger picture. Even some of the choreography and ‘camera work’ is similar.

Jay P

I never comment on here, but thank you for the reaction. Glad to see when others really understand and appreciate what this show is trying to say/make you feel. Lots of good episodes still to come!

Jesse Hart

i was about to explain that too! one of my favorite not-so-well-known things about the time period


Someone commented something after that and I thanked him haha but somehow the comment got removed.

M Khan

I'm not sure if this is the right way to interpret this, but Hjalti waiting on the swing towards the end of the episode is likely him waiting for Gardar to cross over to the land of the dead, so they can finally be reunited. Which doesnt bode well for what happened to Hjalti...the storytelling of this show is PEAK bar none

Felipe Aravena

"life for a life is always the rule even in today's world" mf didn't understand that Vinland Saga is precisely trying to show that there are other ways lmao

ivan reyes

I'm fully aware of that. I'm saying it from my perspective stupid.


Don't worry Alana, i cried so hard in this episode too 😭 This episode hit me so hard for a whole week. It's just so sad. And i don't even have anything to say about this episode other than this episode is a masterpiece. The storytelling and the way they made us feel for both Arnheid and Gardar even though they're just supporting characters (especially Gardar, this man just showed up 4 episodes ago 😭), this is peak storytelling. Now i'm crying again with the reaction 😔

Felipe Aravena

this episode is perfect. i read the manga and was destroyed by it, then watched this episode and was destroyed even more (the additions were great, i like much more this season to the previous one in terms of adaptation). this was an incredible reaction, you are one of the kindest souls on reaction channels (and one of the smartest too). thank you so much. it's a bummer tho the ammount of people in your comment section that try to be edgy or i don't even know what and to whom the messages of the series flew right past them. it's really depressing... like, i pity them (funnily enough, Yukimura also mocks them xd). toxic fans are everywhere to be found i guess... that's exactly why i don't read much comments anymore. anyways, Makoto Yukimura is an excelent writer and mangaka, i'm very happy i discovered him and also happy that you're a watching this series and discussing about it. more people should be like him or at least learn from him. thank you so much for understanding and appreciating this series! take care!

this is one long ass username

Low key feeling bad for Alana🥲. It’s so cool how invested we got with these characters, even if they’ve only been introduced to the show recently.

Nathan Garza

I cant wait for Clannad


Found the toxic Vinland “fan”. Actual hypocrite if you understood the message behind S2 why do you care so much about what others think? You’re over here trying to belittle and talk negatively about people who don’t agree with you. I’ve seen the way you’ve replied to some of the people in the comments actually funny how little self awareness you have.


Miklagard is what the Vikings called Constantinople (The capital of the Roman/Byzantine empire). This line was added in the anime but manga fans theorized that snake had ties to it because of his weapon as its very similar to a shamshir or scimitar (middle eastern swords) and the bible he reads is in greek. Snake is a dane but he served as a guard of the emperor of the byzantine empire. A lot of vikings went there to serve as Varangian guards. The director of the anime, Shuhei Yabuta, tweeted as this episode aired that there was meant to be a snake backstory episode but there wasnt time so they added that as a little easter egg. But the author of the manga actually retweeted it adding that he has plans to write a bit about him maybe.

Felipe Aravena

i'm a bit confused. what "the message behind s2" has to do with replying to other ppl? why am i a hypocrite for that? i really don't like to use the "no u" card, but by your logic wouldn't you be also a hypocrite if you care so much about what i think? i don't get what you're saying there. and "i've seen the way you've replied to some of the people in the comments"? i don't think i need to give the benefit of the doubt to ppl that comment bait. who do you refer to? the edgy teen that posted "X was right" or the one who said that wouldn't lose sleep if he kills someone in retaliation (super reasonable person btw)? i've been a sub on this channel for a looong time and most of the ppl are ok, and i haven't read much comments in a while and maybe it was my bad reading them, because i couldn't believe so many ppl not getting the point of this show and defending the most fckd up stuff. me commenting on "toxic fans" is because i don't know if you know but Alana literally had to stop uploading reactions to DN a couple of yrs ago because ppl started arguing with HER views and commentary (exactly what the two ppl i replied to did here, unnecessarily) and i don't want that to happen again just because we have a couple of kids in the comments thinking that they're edgy or smt with their terrible takes. i especially don't want that to happen with a series i deeply love like Vinland (which is made clear in my comment, but you focused only on my criticism). sorry for the tl;dr, i tried to be brief, but did that explain my comments and my attitude?


I don’t agree with the “I have no enemies” or “nobody deserves to be hurt” message being pushed in this series so no I’m not a hypocrite like some of the hardcore fans who will immediately belittle you or attack you for simply having a different opinion when they go around preaching “I have no enemies” in every comment section. I watched this series because of fans like yourself that would spam all over social media how this show is a masterpiece, it’s peak, or how every episode is a 10/10 when it’s not. Personally I preferred S1 over S2 mainly because it was more story driven. However try telling that to any of the hardcore fans and you’ll see how hostile they get. I’m not saying S2 isn’t good but it isn’t the masterpiece everyone was claiming it be which left me disappointed.


It all started when Snake ordered his men to corner and capture Gardar. Gardar didn't even belong to Ketil, Snake and his men could've minded their own business.


Didn't know that 😶 haha !! Thanks (now you remove your latest comment @MishkaTho, let's keep it going)

Viktor Engholm

Definitely how I interpret it. While we don't know if the afterlife is real in this story, we've seen a lot of people see their families when they pass. Maybe, in his deepest core, Gardar understood that Hjalti wasn't with them anymore, but could only accept it when his life was finally leaving him.


this was a heart-wrenching episode.. i'm sure if we could collectively send you an hug through the comments section, we would <3~ tysm, again, for sharing your reactions and thoughts with us!

Felipe Aravena

oh, ok, gotcha. i thought you liked and agreed with the series, my bad. it seems like you have problems and criticisms more with some fans of the series than with me or my comment specifically tho. like, what you're saying seems more like hate-watching than anything else. but yeah, obviously you don't need to agree with everything the series portrays, just like i don't agree with everything the series portrays. like, i dunno if i didn't made that clear before, but i don't 100% agree with Vinland, i just think is coherently written and i love how it's written and drawn, i love the characters. i do think it's a 10/10 (or close) or at least refreshingly different to most manga, especially things like AoT, but that's personal taste i guess. also, sorry if you thought i was attacking you, i was not (i mean, that's why i took the time to explain xd), but i also still think i don't have to be "nice" to ppl that comment bait and try to be edgy (for lack of a better term) in the comments, like i don't understand those kinds of ppl. and i just write a lot and fast, and my comments seem very dry and even rude because english is not my native language, so i work with limited vocabulary and it's hard to explain myself.

mystic rick

yassssss we love pain such a good episode


I started watching vinland saga because of your reaction and I just watched this episode now. I was debating on waiting for this episode reaction on youtube but I literally could not wait !! I love your reactions so much!

april 🍏

From what I remember from this scene in the manga, there's SO MUCH anime only content and it was so tragically, beautifully done. There has been so much love poured into this anime adaptation and as a manga fan.... I'm so so so happy.