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finally got this edited yall aaaaah

also a few things regarding spy x family uploads: i really apologize that i haven't been keeping up with this season week by week. i have been trying to get out of my apartment more on the weekends lol and in turn that has led to some slacking on watching and editing/uploading these episodes. D:

i will be watching episodes 6 and 7 today so those timer reactions will be uploaded later today!

and finally, for the next two weekends i will have family in town so the next two episodes will be up a few days after they release.

again, i am very sorry for the lack of SxF episodes - especially since i heard this arc was supposed to be super entertaining. i will get back into the swing of things with the rest of the season! o7



Don't worry about it as you're allow to have a life outside of being a content creator.

Ben Reichertz

All good go enjoy your weekends! We can wait


All good, Alana! Enjoy those weekends. Glad you’re taking care of yourself!

Sean Espiritu

enjoy your life alana! no worries


one of the best arc’s is finally here