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my favorite episode so far awwwwwooooo :')



one of my favorite episodes in the first part of season 2 that dream sequence was SO intense and cinematic


Yeah Thorfinn could tell Snake was him


That scene is still hard to watch. In the manga Einar sees thorfinn struggling in his sleep and wakes him up. They made the scene way more impactful in the anime.


Thorfinn has been acting spoiled. It’s not necessarily his fault, he was essentially “raised” by Vikings since he was five or six and never really matured from that state. His father gave his life to protect him and try and keep him away from violence, but he flung himself into it for revenge. On the course of his revenge how many other people’s father’s did he kill or families did he ruin. The guy completely forgot he has his own family at home that have been missing him for years and was even lucky enough for Leif to even be willing to look for him this long. Thorfinn lived a really tough live, but a lot of people back then would have lost their fathers in war and violence. A lot of people had their entire villages completely pillaged back then. Thorfinn willingly brought about a lot of his suffering by being so focused on avenging his father. Compared to Einar and others, they were just trying to exist and their lives were completely stolen from them.

Tyler Owens

I’m a US Army vet and deployed to Afghanistan when I was 19 and still deal with combat related PTSD and nightmares. The way in which Thorfinn’s dreams and the pain they cause is conveyed so well. This show and season really changed my life, I was a shell like Thorfinn for a long time feeling like I had nothing to live for and this story really helped me start questioning that. The season only keeps getting better from here.


God I love this show and love your reactions to it.. This episode really hits hard. Einar is the perfect bro for Thorfinn and the way you hear Thorfinn screams is just so harsh.. Goated show


I can't wait for you to get to ep 9 and 10!


Einar is an optimist, and hearing someone so quick to disregard their own life is what frustrates him. Hence the “spoiled” line. Einar ultimately believes that “living” is better than being dead. Einar is the perfect match up for Thorfinn this arc. The first arc, we were with those who caused destruction. Who r*ped and pillaged and killed until the audience was desensitized, much how Thorfinn was. Even if he only just participated in the “killing” part, he still turned a blind eye to what the other Vikings were doing in search of his goal. Weirdly similar to how Askeladd, despite hating the Vikings, partook in the life to find his “Artorious-like”figure. Now we are with those who were impacted by war. Those left behind. And Thorfinn is forced to bear witness to the fact that this regular life for many he sees around him is something he once tore apart. The story is still just beginning and I’m just so excited to see your reaction to this season and (hopefully) the future seasons to come eventually.


Don’t know how far you are along but Mappa released a lil short on their YouTube that is technically episode 6.5. But the best time to watch it is just before episode 8. It’s called “Drowning in the Shadow” Even if you don’t react to it on camera I still think it’s worth watching as it enhances some events to come. There’s another as well around episode 19 but that’s pretty far ahead to mention.


TBH, if you think about Einar's perspective...losing father, mother, and sister to Thorfinn losing his father...Einar should smack thorfinn. Love this season, Vinland Saga is one of the best manga and Mappa does an amazing job of bringing it to animation.


Honestly i found Einar’s emotions towards Thorfinn completely natural and he also worded it perfectly by calling Thorfinn “spoiled”. I remember reading this chapter for the first time and it immediately elevated Einar to my top 2 favorite characters of Vinland saga. Theres was a person who is directly linked to all your trauma you had to go to as a child and teenager, someone who, just like the ppl who killed your family, also killed a lot of families, sleeps just right next to you could motivate a lot person to seek revenge. And it’s just the emotional maturity to decide to not kill of that person and actually telling him that there are good things in life & understanding his pain which makes Einar such a phenomenal character. Plus, the way MAPPA did this scene justice is just amazing. Thorfinns and Einar’s voice acting, the animation & music… this episode was peak and honestly is one of the best in the series.


what happened to spy family :(

april 🍏

I think the people who helped Thorfinn live are not only Lief but also Thors. Thors sacrifice was so that everyone on the boat could live, ESPECIALLY his son.