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sync up your own copy and watch along with me!


Jangles Jingles

The guy you half recognised who was watching Lena was her Uncle, also the family who could hear each other which the para-raid tech was based on was Shin's family, as revealed by Annette near the end of cour 1. For the OP as well the spoiler was just that Shina and friends survived, so only a spoiler if you watch it before ep 12

Jangles Jingles

I just noticed whilst rewatching, your decoration on your mic is reflecting your monitor lol, might want do something about that in case it ever makes you dox yourself

Kent Marie Dominic De Guzman

BTW I dont know if you pieced it together, but the end of Episode 11, and the mid part where Rei was carrying Shin was a metaphor of Rei's Legion Body, the old model "Dinosauria" they were talking about, carrying Shin's gang towards Federacy territory at the risk of it's own life against Legion orders and against the Federacy's army. Literally transcending the previous ideas that Copies have no minds of their own. Also, Ernst best dad!


Btw the cat Teppy's name is short for Thermopylae. Lena named that little kitty after a battlefield lol


Hi, Alana, i would say this one more time, this OP is nothing about spoilery, if you watch all the show and than watch the OP, Maybe this OP is spoilery, but at this time, you watch this show for the first time, this OP have nothing spoilery! this OP is kind of masterpiece, don't miss it at the very first time