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nope. it's still a no. Alana is smart she's guessing some shit left and right xD wouldn't want to ruin some moments when the reactor pays attention to details xD some things in the trailer isn't very subtle that one can just understand how it will go. I'd say for safety net, to let her react after the series is over. A lot of reaction channels do that anyway, some just listen to the OP song but not watch what's on their screen


man, there is nothing in the OP, if you first watch this show.... really, and if you watch again, there is everthing in the OP, that why part 2 OP is master piece, don't let her miss it, just because you afraid of it... anyway, i don't speak anymore, what will do is she's choice


nah i'm not saying she shouldn't watch it ksjdfhs i meant just to delay watching since there's subtle spoilers in OP2


I really don't understand people who say that dose OPs are spoilery. You really have to analze the sh*t out of them if you dont have the context and even than its just speculations. That Alana got the brother "spoiler" had nothing to do with the OP. The Show already provided all the context AND she analysed the flash cuts.


they're just stopping in 10 years ago, there's some animation's OP are really spoilery, but in this time.. in our age.. animations have evolution, it's already art right now, and they don't belive it, they still see the old time animation, and you talking to them 100 times, din't work for them, that why i stop talking anymore... whatever...


I just noticed during the after credits, that when Shin said his brother is still out there, he probably meant that he is on the Legion's side now with his brain stolen and not that he ran away or anything.


@Atlantiker if you really want to talk about context and details then OP2 has those details that you can really guess what could happen. I don't -underestimate- Alana that she can figure it out with some details "matching" (you guys may want to rewatch). Crying too much as if I recommend she shouldn't EVER watch it lmao. Ever saw reaction channels that wait til end of season to watch everything or just alien to an obvious, used idea? :D


bro, for the example, there is a OP A will kiss B, they're show this in the OP, but we don't know, are you sure A will kiss B? nope, but 100% who read the manga, who already watch the show, who already read the book, they'll know A will kiss B, and for them it's spoilery, but for the first time watch that show, who'll know? it's just a OP, you're afraid of it, because you know what will happen, and we don't know what is that, it's safe bro, and many reaction chanel as smart as Alana, they also watch the OP they also have question fot it, and nothing to worry, sometimes, just go for a walk, you need some fresh air


and as you say, Alana was smart, and you talking to her "don' watch the OP" okay, if she watch it than what? your word is "spoiler", you know why? ALANA just watch OP and you say "don't watch it" this is bigist spoiler. ha... i will delete this main comment, you know? i just hope she watch the master piece OP AND you're spoiler everything, bye bro