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i just. love this show WAHDLSKDSFL



Literally refreshing the page for this haha. Glad to see you back


Kana is that one friend who is really good and shy at singing but low-key flexes it.


I do think it's a shame that over 20 is considered old, but it's a fairly pragmatic approach. If there's a large supply of girls wanting to be idols, you're going to pick the ones that are going to be the most marketable for the longest period of time to maximise your investment. It's hardly unique to the idol industry. Messed up and I don't like it, but I don't think you'll ever really get rid of that mindset where profit is involved.

Sven Hegenbart

In Japan its really the case as they are super strict with the "age-range" IF you go back you will realize that Aqua was reading the same book prior before you saw Kanna with it

Sven Hegenbart

Asaka is huge into Vtuber also - either making Collabs with them or evn being close friends as some Mangakas/Artist have also a Vtuber channel


Japan is obsessed with "age-appropriate" and all kinds of age things to the point where it's wrecking the country. At this pace, that society is going to the doghouse in 30 years (or under). There are plenty of people who are willing and capable of providing great labor services, but they arbitrarily shut down a very large number of such people above a certain age (40 is basically the upper limit for anything but low-paying temp jobs) as if they suddenly stop being productive. "You are too old" is a legit reason to reject a job candidate, and it's being done all the time. Yet companies are complaining: "We can't find enough qualified candidates!" Duh. This is happening in a place where so few are being born, and fewer and fewer workers below 40 are available. Age discrimination in employment remains completely legal in Japan.