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plug-in panda

akasakas new manga renai daikou (love agency) seems very promising so far after 5 chapters, ive been enjoying it.


Kana's "Baking Soda" shirt sends me.


Kana is amazing in everything she does and a hardworker but due to her childhood she has rejection and abandoment issues, also lack of self-confidence and maybe like an impostor syndrome so despite being a "97/100" she fails to understand that most people are just average and she is not. She thinks that she isn't good enough all the time.


She clearly focuses on the 3 points that she missed and not the 97 that she earned. Love her character


Kinda understandable tho because at the end of the day, the work that she did never had good results. No matter how great she is, there were never any payoffs. She's also my favorite girl currently and I'm trying not to get ahead of myself and read the manga because I wanna see her journey so bad.


The levels of BestGirlism on Kana are insane.