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sync up your own copy and watch along with me!!



another great reaction! glad you're enjoying s3 so far. also, pay close attention to iroha's rejections--it's easy to get tricked into falling for the same trap hachiman does, and ort of tune her out bc u assume what she's gonna say (and also bc the subs for this show aren't always great, alas.) but it's worth paying attention to, bc the trajectory of her "rejections" is soooo funny. like this ep's "rejection" was straight-up just "oh were you going to ask me out using that tactic? well we literally just talked about it so it wouldn't work on me right now, but please try again later" like. at this point her rejections have fully turned into hints about how he SHOULD ask her out lmao


Allergies are a good month early here too, its weird


That's why she's best girl, giving him advice and everything 🤣


Applause for Hachiman to try dancing and how long he lasted. How long would he have endured if his dancing partner had been Iroha or Yukino though. Too bad we can't ask the author such questions.