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sorry for the lack of intro and i apologize that i kept calling yukino "yukiko" at the beginning!! i'm playing a game with a character named yukiko and they look kinda similar and i always mix up their names 😭



I freaking love Iroha, everytime she apperears it makes me smile, she is so entertaining lmao


I'm not sure but I feel like some of the comments from before have maybe made you a bit too apprehensive about Yui and her character. I haven't read the LNs but to me she does seems like a genuinely nice person but with a selfish side like most humans. I don't think it's one of those situations that someone just fully pretends to be nice and would be okay sabotaging things at all. When Hatchiman said at the end of S2 that his ideal view of the girls was wrong (Yui being nice and Yukino being strong) i think he was also referring to how there's much more to them than just that one idealistically "perfect" description but it's important to note that they still do have some of those qualities of course. The relationship amongst the three of them is very strong and that goes for Yukino and Yui, i think to each other they are the closest friend they've ever had which is why this whole situation is so much harder.


yessss this reaction was everything i hoped for! i love this episode so much. just a couple of notes: hachiman et al are 2nd years, iroha's a 1st year, and the only graduating 3rd year who really matters is meguri-senpai (the former student council prez). so when iroha was asking if hachiman was going to get held back, it was less a "are you going to stay in high school another year instead of graduating" and more of a "are you going to stay in 2nd year so that we can be 2nd years together," which imo reveals her feelings for him even more than the former would have. also, i know obviously the reveal about the photo is framed by the way yui feels about it, but can we pls talk about how cute it is that yukino keeps a picture of herself and hachiman under her pillow, underneath her favorite stuffed animal of her favorite character who 'coincidentally' has eyes that look juuuust like hachiman's. (which is also a trait that most people find unappealing and she finds cute, just saying.) like her feelings for him are SO cute it kills me


That's so funny, i didn't make that connection about the eyes. That's a cute detail.


Haruno grows on me more and more with every watch, forgot how good this episode is

Austin D

Love the comparison of Yui having a picture of the 3 of them and Yukino just having her and Hachiman. Not that she doesn't love Yui too, but like she is reallllll in love with Hachiman


I wont do a spoiler, but yes. The: "You can't get drunk" has another meaning.

Pedro Lobo

I like how Yui's words about standing in front of the door, but never going in, and just watching through the crevice, can be used as a connection to the time in season 2 when Yukino and Hachiman had a moment in the infirmary, then when Hachiman opened the door, Yui was there and surprised, as if she saw everything.


That Ginnie the Grue Plushy was probably also the one that she got from Hachiman in a scene that was cut from 1x6. It comes up in a flashback at some point but it's very short and easy to overlook.


I Love the reaction, and I love Oregairu. Again many hints hidden in this episode that can be easily missed. I can't really explain everything (I did in the past many times) but I can list just a few (of the many) that are often missed (spoiler Free): - Haruno says to Yukino "I don't think this is the one I was hopin to hear", then she glances at Yui (which recoils from that). Then she says to Yukino "it's a little better". Meaning that Yukino is not yet tackling the real problem, which is the problems between the club members. - Hachiman says to Haruno "I'm a brother", the look on Haruno's face tells that she understood something about Hachiman behaviour. Also at the start of the episode Hayato says to Hachiman "The other little sister". - "you can't get drunk" is, again, a metaphore. Will let you try to figure it. - At the end of the episode Yukino ask to Hachiman "Am I Making a mistake?", Hachiman eludes the question, but it's showing the underlying problem that Yukino is not Approaching. - The photo in Yukino's room is from S2E10 (you can even see the photo's flash during the fall, and they Yukino briefly holding it before hiding it in her bag), and when Yui says "I stood in front of the door... I just watched through the gap", is a metaphore but also a reference to what happened in S2E11 in the infirmary. - The title of the episode "I had never touched that key until today", have a very deep meaning, as Yukino never let others touch the clubroom's keys, it's a metaphore of her heart. This is mostly lost in the anime but it's a recurring theme since the start of the story, as the author remember the reader at least once or twice in each volume about the fact that Yukino don't let others "have the keys".


That end scene proves that Yui isn't suited for Hachiman because both Hachiman and Yukino want something genuine. Since Yukino promised to help Hachiman to find something genuine for him.


The photo is Yui's first real proof of Yukino's feelings for Hachiman. During the show/series Hachiman asked Yui about times where Yui and Yukino were alone together, and she mostly responded with something like "We didn't talk about you."/"not something you want to know". This is to show that they Yui and Yukino didn't confirm their feelings about Hachiman with each other. Of course she felt like there was something before, but without the confirmation through communication it remains vague. Which is a big topic throughout the series/show, mostly marked by a certain phrase. It happened in this episode too, we even got a close up on Hachiman's reaction to those words when Yukino mentioned "put this into words". In Hachiman's thoughts it is usually followed up by "or it will remain this vague thing forever" or "it will disappear" once given words or form. So even if the topic Yukino wanted to discuss wasn't the one Haruno wanted to hear the most about, it was "a little better", because it was a small step in the right direction.