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I often find it hard to write what i want to say with this show because there so much and i suck at writing in English too but here are some of my thoughts on Yukino's character. Yukino is essentially trying to figure out who she is and what she really wants. She is in a complicated situation, since her sister took on the family's responsibilities she technically had freedom to choose her path but within that freedom she also feels lost and like everything was decided for her. I think some of the reasons for that is people's expectations for her especially from her mom and because when she figured out she wanted her dad's job it was already decided. Haruno does want to help Yukino find who she is but yeah imo the way she's doing it has a lot of problems, at least on it's own because I feel like her approach so far had a lot to do with what we saw in season 1 when Yukino was doing everything on her own but to an extreme degree where she would even get physically ill. Lately she's been veering again too much in the other direction depending on others and needs to find a balance. Also let's not forget that she has formed a meaningful connection with Hatchiman and Yui which she really needed but even that also has it's own complicated components that they need to address.

matthew bremmer

Your English writing is just fine especially if it is a second language. Paragraph structure might be something you would want to work on, but what you wrote is perfectly understandable.

angello vasquez

I don't know if it was just me but in the scene with Kawasaki and her little sister. I honestly felt like a family.


Yeah English is my second language but I'm very bad at structuring and expressing/writing down my thoughts in general lol.


i love hachiman and komachi so much! easily one of my favorite sibling relationships in anime, especially in this episode


How Hachiman is with little kids is a sign he'll be an amazind dad somewhere in the future!

Sven Hegenbart

Saki is pretty cool but sadly got cut a lot in the anime has she has always nice scenes with 8man in the novels. The sibling scene is nice - as you can see their parents rarely show up so it was more like 8man acting as parent for Komachi and being there for her

Bakhtiar Rahim

Their sibling’s relationship are one of the best compared to other animes that are incest.


Great scene with the sister, Kawasaki didn't show up that much in scenes that were meaningful (even in the Light Novel) for me to care too much about her.