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really enjoyed that last scene with them in the committee room :)))


Oscar Santos

A line that for some reason wasnt added to the show (at least in the first season) was the one after Hayama left Hikigaya in the Roof, Hikigaya said to himself "See? It's easy, I made a world were no one gets hurt." Thats why I dont think Hachiman was mean to Sagami just out of sincerity or so she can recognize her failure, but to help her. If thing continue without his intervention and Sagami would have returned with Hayama everyone will have blamed her, for all the problems that she cause out of insecurity. In other words, Hachiman was cruel so all the blame would go to him, and instead of blaming Sagami for her bad leadership now people can simply blame the rude guy that made a girl cry. As Hiratsuka(the teacher) said he was taking all the blame and hate out of Sagami and putting it on himself.


This is the one thing I always found so interesting about this series I know the “dark knight” theme comes up a lot when talking about this series, but you have to admit; this is the kind of person 8man was at the start of season 1. He is willing to take the fall for everyone’s sake, but his own. Honestly I am looking forward to the season 2 and 3 reactions; because this is just of the beginning of a lot complicated, but interesting social interactions/behavior throughout this series.

Saiff Mohammad

Other than the whole “dark knight” (great description) and Hachiman being the source of all evil and pain. When you breakdown the character more and more you begin to resemble other character as well. Alana’s comment on Hachiman when he is always hurting himself so that other can benefit is something we are shown consistently in Yui, her and her “friendship” group. Similarly, we see that Yukino and Hachiman are very similar in the way that tackle issues and problems. This foreshadows that if the character don’t change we will be stuck in loop of self hate and pain, but the show progresses… and the first change we see is Yui, with her saying no and standing up for herself in the friend group, then Yukino coming forward and asking for help. These characters are changing core beliefs that they have established themselves to keep them from hurt and pain in the future very much so like Hachiman but opening up making themselves vulnerable allowed them to grow. Which Hachiman still truely hasn’t. Hiratsuka (teacher) and Yukino’s sister bother play big parts in the series too so will be worth noting the conversations they have with the Hachiman, Yui and Yukino.


Watching along for the first time as well so could be completely wrong about this. I agree with you about Hayama recognizing what Hachiman is doing but that actually makes me like him less (as a person). Pushing Hachiman against the wall made him look like more of villain and Hayama came off as a hero defending Sagami. If he has the social awareness to understand the purpose and effect of Hachiman's actions he's kind of a scumbag for playing the hero. Excited for the second season!


I was waiting for this episode since the start of these reactions! To be honest I disagree with you Alana, Ayama is like everyone else, he knows what's going on but chooses to always be nice and fake how he truly feels to please others, that's why eveyone calls him a nice guy, on the contrary Hacciman, doesn't follow the social rules imposed by society, and acts following his sense of justice, ofc he has many flaws, one being that he's honest about everyone besides himself to avoid being hurt, but differently from Ayama he has somewhat been learning and growing this season, he's my fav character, I am definitely biased cause even tho I was never like him, I felt like him in highschool so many times, and I resonated so much with him since the first time I've seen the first episode many years ago, never found a main character I understood this well in any other series, I hope he grows on you more as they show more of him^^


Hachiman kinda forces him to play the hero tbf and Hayama understands that. Hence him asking why that’s the only way he can do things. He wants him to find a better way instead of vilifying himself, but he can’t make him do so in the moment otherwise it ruins Hachimans efforts. Just my interpretation.


As the guy above mentions ( and it's more detailed in the light novels ), Hayama doesn't want to do that but he recognises what Hachiman is going for. His anger here is interesting because to the people outside it looks like he's mad about Hachiman being mean etc, and while that is part of the case he's mostly angry about the way Hachiman is villifying himself. He knows Hachiman expects him to play the hero and if he doesn't then everything would go to heck so he has to follow along. Hayama definitely has his own issues that's explored in the novels a lil but as a character he's definitely a lot more well written than many characters in his archetype.