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hi everyone!! i made an update on my original post about my hard drive this morning, but incase you missed it, i realized i DID record my reaction to episode 5 already, which then was lost on the drive. i'm really sorry i thought it was only episode 4, i should have double checked before i made the post.

but i obviously wanted to make sure to do some sort of reaction so here is my analysis of the episode! although there is no timer reaction or anything, i do enjoy talking more in depth about the show with all of you.

i'm hoping to get my original footage from episode 4 and episode 5 back, so hopefully i will be able to provide you with the original reactions in the next few weeks.

tuesday's episode (ep. 6) WILL be a new, first-time reaction, so look out for that. thanks everyone <3 


Derek P

Thanks for the clarification, hope the data recovery goes well.


Please, let us know if there are any news with the data recovery. Fingers crossed.

plug-in panda

i believe fuyu hamaji is a parody of the mangaka aki hamaji. solitary rock is a parody of bocchi (means alone like solitary) the rock!

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

Thank you for doing this reaction series! This show deserves more popularity and more views!


Nijika best girl!

Benjamin Sones

When Miso shows up, it's like we get two reactions for the price of one! Miso reaction: "I don't care about that." =^._.^=

jacksan1 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 17:58:49 The dam visual sequence is by the courtesy of Kamisato (Twitter &amp; YouTube: @kmsto), a Dam Meister and Special Ambassador of the 4 Dams of Chichibu (home of "Anohana" by the way). Dam interesting.
2023-01-27 04:51:42 The dam visual sequence is by the courtesy of Kamisato (Twitter & YouTube: @kmsto), a Dam Meister and Special Ambassador of the 4 Dams of Chichibu (home of "Anohana" by the way). Dam interesting.

The dam visual sequence is by the courtesy of Kamisato (Twitter & YouTube: @kmsto), a Dam Meister and Special Ambassador of the 4 Dams of Chichibu (home of "Anohana" by the way). Dam interesting.


Maybe you might know, but just in case the band actually has a whole album out. It’s actually insane, so I definitely recommend listening to it out after you finish the series. It’s on Spotify and Apple Music; if you really really really want the actual CD, CD Japan is the best place to buy the album. Great stuff as always, going to miss the analysis reactions, but excited to see the timers back next time! (Hopefully lol)

Steven (edited)

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2023-01-28 07:35:11 I really like this show, but something has been bothering me and I figured out what it is. The show portrays social anxiety as something that is entirely in Bocchi's head. She doesn't have any reason to be socially anxious other than what's in her head. I didn't start out as somebody with social anxiety, I started out as a shy, awkward, and overly sincere child. I developed social anxiety, because society told me that was weird and something to be ashamed and embarrassed of. I still am enjoying the show, I just don't understand how somebody with Bocchi's lived experience becomes the way she is. Sorry about the rant.
2023-01-27 19:40:20


Hey Steven! I think your experiences and reasoning for your case of social anxiety is 100% valid. But at the same time you can recognise that social anxiety and how it developed can and will be very different case to case due to the many variables in life