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this episode was SOOOO GOOD and that ending what the hell yall 😭



Ram: "I can fix him"


Ram and Ymir would be best friends probably lmao

alan G.

Fun fact: Rams VA actually sang the song that was playing at the end


The "fuck Meili" every time she's on the screen lmao

Bobo Bay

I won't say which one, but one of the lines does get spoken two arcs from now :O i think some will and some won't. Since these are just possible futures. also it's not really covered here, but a big reason Ram feels this way about Ros is because Rem is no longer in her memories. Her whole life was Rem, so if you take Rem out of the picture, Ros basically takes her from her burning village and is the only one in her life for YEARS. So imo I don't fully believe Ram would love Roswaal if Rem was still in the picture. I know some people might disagree though.

Robin Berglund

Meili is best girl... Well... After Betty, Otto and Patrasche.

Ara Araragi

Don't worry, the coffin scene is meant to be confusing. For now, all you're supposed to know is that Emilia met Echidna in the trials, but for some reason she doesn't recognize the person in the coffin as Echidna.

Ara Araragi

The song at the end is called "What You Don't Know" by Ram's voice actor Rie Murakawa. You should definitely check out the lyrics.


Out of curiosity, what is going to replace Re:Zero's time slot for this channel?

Alan Uribe

Elsa unexpectedly showing concern for meili during the fight sure was a twist when I first saw it.


Roswaal cannot see anyone loving him in part because he is completely self-aware of just how horrible his actions are. He is literally putting on a performance as a terrible villain largely in part because he must do to what the Book says. It's a path to the future he most truly desires, he just had to throw away everything, including his humanity to try and achieve it. It was the same dilemma Subaru faced when Echidna wanted to contract with him. Ram is seemingly the closest person to him at this point in time, which is why she is able to pick-up on this. Ram losing her horn would typically be a fatal injury for a demon as well. Mana is the life-force of beings in the ReZero world, and the horn is where Demons draw and store Mana. She basically has an open wound that her life-force drains out of constantly. Roswaal keeps her alive by transferring Mana into the wound near daily. It's shown and described to be very...intimate as well, ironically Echidna makes Roswaal fall in love with her by taking some of his excess mana directly. Add in the fact that Roswaal is rich, handsome, and VERY powerful, mix those in with a little Stockholm syndrome and that's likely what Ram's feelings were born from. It is debatable if Rem's absence increased her feelings for Roswaal or not, I'm of the opinion that she was already in love with him before Rem was put on ice. Ram and Rem are supposed to mirror each other like Subaru and Roswaal are. Rem's love for Roswaal is the same the Rem has for Subaru. They're twins but could not be more opposite. Red hair vs. Blue hair, Horn vs. Hornless, Skilled vs. Unskilled, Nice and sweet vs. Mean and Sarcastic, One falls in love with the person who helped them move past their childhood trauma and the other falls in love with someone who is responsible for it. One has a confession surrounded by doves in the capital city, the other one confesses in the heat of battle in a forest and then gets incinerated. "I love Emilia" still may be more damaging though...


I'm huge into the Minerva = Mom camp. The clothing designs being so incredibly similar, their attitudes and kindness being near identical and we know the elf side of Emilia's blood comes from her father. The biggest reason why I believe Minerva is Emilia's mom has to come down to the fact that Minerva is the Witch of Wrath. Despite Minerva seeming so overly kind in the brief moments we see her, the sins the Witch represent seem to also be their biggest flaw or transgression. For Echidna it's her greed and wanting to know everything regardless of the human cost, for Daphne it was seemingly her respect for hunger and gluttony that caused her to create dangerous beasts that harmed the world for hundreds of years. Emilia's "big sin" would be the uncontrolled wrath she unleashed on Pandora. Despite being a kind character, Emilia lost her self in anger and ended up freezing her homeland in the process. Not sure if the timeline lines up to support that or not, but the embrace Minerva gives Emilia sure came off as motherly and there's quite a bit behind it.

Eric The Viewer

I did not notice the Ul Goa spell Roswell cast after the Tome's burning on the first viewing. I was so caught off guard by Ram doing that. I only noticed it after I rewashed the dub.


Has Alana mentioned what's replacing Re Zero yet?

Justin Navarrete

The ending was so epic, sad, and breathtaking. The whole episode was Wow.

Maurice S

Here is the list of each line of emilias 3rd trial and who said it for people that got overwhelmed during this scene. We already know to whom lots of those lines are said but I will not include them so people can try and figure those out themselfs ^^ Subaru: You are a hero. A Hero is all you can be. Thanks for the help Wilhelm: .. you cannot even wield the sword without it, thief?! Petra: Subaru, I know you and Emilia-neesama are both tired.Im Sorry. And yet i ended up just weighing you down further. Rom: My precious granddaughter has grown into such a fine young lady, no? Otto: If thats the case, I shoulve just been wrapped up in that cave and left for dead! AL: Im Sorry. Im sorry I couldnt kill you Crush: Under no circumstances shall I be killed by something as nonsensical as a curse! Priscilla:There you see? I win again. Ram: to think someone i wanted to kill so badly turned out to be a kind person Julius: If i bend my knee and lose my sword, what is left for me? Anastasia: Whats so hard about saying "I dont want to be alone"? Garf: Im gonna kill you just like i promised, Natsuki Subaru! Ros: I made the realization that i have not walked alone all this time, that is all Frederica: I suppose we must shed every last drop of blood in our bodies to atone. Felt: You can just stand there running in place! magic, dragons, whatever stands in my way, Ill destroy it! Felix: Why wont the soul take hold?! Rem: I believe praying to ask for a favor is arrogant. Prayer should be for seeking forgiveness