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god DAMN this was an episode whewwwwww



I love how raw this "fight" was but was needed for both of them so they can advance their relationship and understand each other. Which we often don't see this method used in other anime.

smth positive_

Did something happen to the intro? -It said “Thank you for everything” on the letter Otto gave to his parents -The blood came out of Ram’s forehead because of the recoil of using her strength as an Oni since she doesn’t have a horn to replenish any mana herself -Even in season 1 Emilia talked a lot about repaying favors which is understandable because except for Puck every relationship she had was transactional. With Roswaal too she’s only joined the election because he offered to try to help the people in the forest if she does. I actually like that they both have things to work on still since it’s a long running series and all their issues aren’t resolved after just 1 season and the rest of the anime they have no progress because they’re already completed their character arcs

Austin D

ive seen reactors criticize this episode for being cringey, but like.. that's the point?? I appreciate the author having them fight like this and say a lot of frustrating things. Cus that's how it issss haha. If i look back at any fights ive been in, i cringe at the shit i said to try and get through to the other person. Especially romantic relationships. Overcompensating with the "i love you"s, not accepting answers, etc. i think the main thing to take from this as a lesson is that you will never be able to truly believe a person, BUT you have to learn to trust them no matter what if you want to be in any sort of relationship.


Nearly every episode of Season 2 is truly peak. They went on an insane tear this season.


Thank you for your reaction Alana, there is some wild stuff going on in the other comments but i am so glad you are watching the series :) <3