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Another one in the books! Such a great series, thanks for the reactions! Small things you may find interesting: I forgot to post this as a comment last episode - I'm annoyed that I missed a critical detail that hints to Lakan's true nature. From the first time we see him interacting with Jinshi we are shown he's not drinking alcohol. Back then only European wine was a dark red color, and in East Asian countries wine and liquor would be clear or pale yellow. Maybe he imported it, but it would have been unlikely. This is why the show shows the glass full of dark red liquid again in flashback when Maomao says "he drinks fruit juice". It is heavily implied that Fengxian, amongst other things, lost her nose to the disease. Go back and you'll see many times her hair covers where her nose should be. But Lakan doesn't perceive faces like we do anyway, so to him she is just as beautiful as he always remembers her to be. Jinshi's caretaker lady actually cares for Maomao very much, just in her own way. When she frets that Maomao has lost a lot of weight, she feeds Maomao porridge but also what looks like Peking Duck. A very fancy dish for a 'servant girl' like Maomao. Names: Dunno if anyone has mentioned/talked about this at all, but Maomao literally means "Cat cat" in Mandarin. Gaoshun nicknames her Xiaomao (shee-aa-oh), which means Little Cat/Kitten. Pairin - in Mandarin it would be Bai Ling, White Bell. Meimei - Mandarin is very tonal, and the Japanese are not pronouncing their names with said tonality. So when I first heard her name I thought they legit called her "Little Sister". But, no, it's Plum Plum. I had the character wrong, made evident when Maomao shows Lihaku her recommendation letters (man that feels like a long time ago) with their names written upon them. Loka - The third princess of the Verdigris Brothel. Interestingly, this is closer to how you'd pronounce the name in Japanese, because in Mandarin it'd be NuHua, Magnificent Lady. (lit. woman, magnificent). This may be a hint that she's not Chinese, especially given that Gyokuyou's name is very not Chinese and is stated outright in the beginning that she's a foreigner. Gaoshun - Literally 'Tall Order'. However, I think it isn't supposed to mean the English slang term 'tall order', as in difficult request. XiaoLan - Little Orchid. Those were all the ones I caught without doing a super deep dive and looking up all the different characters.

Ruffy Black

if your looking for a personal or reaction anime i think you might like fruit basket, its perfect for the summer and just has warm fuzzy feelings