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omg this episode was hard to watch but GOD it's so satisfying to see subaru finally get a wakeup call and to see emilia call him out.

also sorry if my ramblings are confusing at the end lol but i think this was the best episode so far


Jay Craig

What I love about this show is that whenever you feel like certain ways about what characters say/do and wonder whether it’s on purpose or just like….that the anime is going for something else but failing, it turns out it was just always on purpose and they were working to something. Subaru says and does little small things that make you wonder whether the author just genuinely doesn’t think it’s a problem cos it’s his main character, but it’s like no - this character is actually very flawed and is supposed to be flawed and you’re supposed to be uncomfortable and that’s the whole point of the story. A lot of people on first watch hit the wall here as they have an expectation that anime characters are supposed to just get everything right all the time and be perfect and re;zero kinda holds up a mirror to those people and is like ‘naw, this is a real human being and this is what we’re doing.’

Reuben Filimaua

Yes you made it to this point of the story. This is what elevates this series from a typical isekai. Re:Zero goes hard with character development. Its cool that the author has the confidence to make the protagonist flawed and unlikable. It gives character and so much room for growth. The typical isekai usually has a blank slate generic loser male protagonist from our regular world transferred to a fantasy world where he gains powers, is strong and becomes popular with the ladies gaining a harem for just being "nice." Its the ultimate male power fantasy and wish fulfilment. Which Subaru expected from episode 1 if you remember. So in a way, Re:Zero as a narrative has always been a meta reality check. Holding up a mirror to that type of otaku demographic with such warped expectations. Showing the "nice guy" for what it is. Subaru fcked up here, embarrassing himself and Emilia in front of everyone. From day 1, he always viewed Emilia as his "heroine", and had expectations of becoming the hero of the story. That's a very superficial way of treating people and viewing relationships. People have their own individual wills and desires. You can't just force your own will and expectations on others. Its gonna be a long painful journey to get us out of this mess. Strap in for the ride! 😂

reese's puffs

The voice actors put their foot down in the drama and emotional parts of this show

Jev Cor

I really love that things don't come easy to this silly goofy dumbass. Good luck Subaru you sure shoved your foot in your mouth this time.

Vali Sippola

Absolutely love this episode. Incredible stuff. And yeah, Subaru has certain expectations of what this world was gonna be like because of stories he experienced back in his world. Those immediately get shattered when he starts dying, but he still has this notion that everything will eventually be repaid to him. That is not the case. And what makes it harder is that he’s genuinely not a bad person. It’d be easy to just not care about his mistakes if he totally sucked, but he doesn’t. He has misplaced views on women, his own ego, and his place in the “story”, but he still has the capacity to be better, that’s why it hurts. Add onto that all the horrific trauma he’s experienced and you get this episode. And he only gets more complicated and layered as the story continues, as do all the characters. Really glad you enjoyed this, now we can see what this story is truly about.

this is one long ass username

Memory Snow isn’t 100% needed, but it’s a fan favorite and knowing you and how much you love your slice of life and the Persona series’s social link/main cast hangout stuff this is so up your alley and will make for a perfect reaction video. That OVA also contains a bunch of lore tidbits that you won’t pick up on in season 2 if u haven’t watched it. Perhaps give us Patreons an uncut version that you don’t have to edit?

Jev Cor

Also ovas are fine to watch after season 1, they don't really have an impact on those events but one of the two is extremely important lore wise, the frozen one.

Габриэль Кабир

Didn’t watched this anime, but I think it’d be way better if he retries this part, killing himself

this is one long ass username

I got to defend my boy Subaru here for a sec. I get that we all were a little short with this guy the first time watching it, but let’s put ourselves in his shoes.. This guy is a 17 year old boy that’s been sent to a whole different world, has little to no social skills, died and witnessed death numerous times during a span of only a single month and he 1000% is losing it due to that which who fucking wouldn’t? What he is going through is absolute hell and considering that he’s actually doing really good. Imagine seeing your loved one killed in front of your eyes and then coming back to an earlier "save point” you can bet your ass you’d want to be around them 24/7 and due to your freaky ability you’d think you’re the only one that can actually help because he legit is the only person that can help in case she gets killed Trying to hold a person like this to any sort of conventional standards of conduct just doesn’t make sense as nobody can even enter his frame of mind with how fucked up things are for him

Alana Misako

YES it really felt like it was turning a male power fantasy/wish fulfilment show tbh and i was not sure how to feel about it, but i am really happy it went down this route!

Alana Misako

tbh i kinda want him to have to live with this and deal with the consequences. i feel that would give him true growth

Reuben Filimaua

After so much suffering, I bet Subaru feels rewarded for the selfless heroics he did at the mansion. But this show does a good job at bringing us back to reality by making it known that he isn't entitled to anyone else's love or support. No one OWES him anything. We can sympathise and understand Subaru's deeper internal issues, his fears and ofc trauma. But the story doesn't justify Subaru being an entitled asshole when things don't go his way. In fact the show does the complete opposite by directly conveying it visually as something ugly and uncomfortable to watch.

Reuben Filimaua

Anyone with any semblance of empathy can totally understand Subaru's feelings. But it still is an unhealthy mentality that he needs to overcome. The show does a good job at showing that these are Subaru's worst flaws, but also a direct consequence of all the trauma he's experienced. Its what I love most of this show. It doesn't brush off all that trauma as an inconvenience now that he succeeded at the mansion and is at a good place relationship-wise with everyone. Until this episode of course.

this is one long ass username

Yeah man totally with u in that he has to overcome this and the show portraying it in that way as well. These are the episodes that made me fall in love with the show once I realized how deep these characters can get


It's important to note, that while Memory Snow is Slice of Life, it is cannon. Events in the episode are referred to later, and things that happen in the episode do tie into the subsequent OVA Movie as well as Season 2. It also expands greatly on the magic system and gives foreshadowing for future events. Actually has some very important foreshadowing if you can catch on to certain things.

Reuben Filimaua

I agree. When rewatching season 1, its always this back half of the season that I'm always locked in. Fully invested no matter how many times I've seen. That's not to say the first half was bad. Its just those first two arcs don't compare to this one.


The thing that first separated this show from others early on for me, was this episode. The first arc is really nice in it's own right, but really isn't anything special (until a rewatch or re-read, then you gain new appreciation for it). But this episode really shows the author's dedication to writing Subaru as a normal seventeen year old, shut-in kid. He's grappling with his first love, loads of trauma, and is in a world where everything and everyone is foreign. He's in over his head, the girl he loves is universally despised, and he has zero social awareness. Throw that character into an intense political situation and if everything goes fine, then that's just bad writing lol. He fucked up, like most people his age do. His idea of love is not fully formed yet, and his idea of girls/women is not fully formed yet either. His time spent with Emilia in episode 1 was the first time he had even been alone with a girl his age for an extended period of time. He's even more pathetic in the novels. He cries for his mommy and daddy when he's fighting the big Mabeast at the end of the previous episode. It's what makes the story great, you're not always supposed to agree with and like Subaru, just like you aren't supposed to always agree with and like a normal person. Subaru being incapable of treating Emilia normal because he is deeply in-love with her (the novels explain his love for her much better than the anime, it comes off much more sincere and heartfelt) and Emilia wanting someone to just treat her like a normal girl instead of a monster both make complete sense for their characters. Emilia does not understand that Subaru has any romantic feelings for her at all, and Subaru cannot express himself in a mature way. He instead wants to save her and lift her up above everyone and anyone to show that love, rather than directly expressing it. It's a completely normal and understandable conflict for people of their age. Just set in a fantastical setting with the stakes raised by a million percent.


Definitely watch the frozen bond OVA! But in my personal opinion Memory Snow is very skippable. Not bad, just feels more like side content.

Champion Bescos

Interesting that someone could see this as turning into a “wish fulfillment” type of story, given that Subaru had to truly suffer and painfully adapt, and still agonize and hurt and *die* multiple times to achieve even one “win” last arc. Not sure who’d wish for that journey other than a masochist. I understand he’s a DEEPLY flawed person, and that’s besides being a very emotionally stunted teenager, - and as such this will be a very thorny and painful (yet also rewarding) journey of growth for him - but I never considered any of the crap he had to go through so far as being part of an ideal male fantasy experience lol.

Reuben Filimaua

I'm not sure if you're replying to me or Alana but I don't think any of the narrative of Re:Zero could be considered a wish fulfilment when it seems to actively condemn the concept by brutally punishing Subaru as the person seeking escapism from reality.


I would watch both OVA, cause they´re canon.

Felipe Pacheco

Frozen bond is a must watch, it shows a lot of answers to things you might be wondering. Memory snow is more of a slice of life content, but is a lot of fun to watch as well, since it is cannon


Yeah Subaru has a lot of room for growth, he is a 17 yr old after all lol it’s nice your able to recognize that but still empathize with him tho. These next episodes tend to turn away closed minded ppl. Like hell so many fully grown MEN have immature/toxic mindsets irl even tho they live normal lives. Yet they expect Subaru to handle everything the right or mature way when he’s in such a extreme and traumatic situation?? He’s also obviously a quirky kid who struggles socially too as you’ve noticed. Like how in the beginning he was staring at that couple with a depressing look when he was still at the convenience store. He’s definitely 100% in the wrong tho like it’s not Emilia’s fault he’s not able to tell her everything. He was also so consumed in his tunnel that he completely ignored how the person he cares about feels and took zero consideration of that. As others have said from here on out is why Re zero stands out from most isekais. the recurring themes and how the story develops is honestly one of my favorite aspects of the series. Like oregairu and Vinland it’s a lot about growth

Benjamin Sones

This episode is definitely a low point for Subaru. He makes a bunch of terrible choices, says a lot of cringey things, and makes things unnecessarily difficult for both himself and Emilia. If it's any consolation, though, he does learn from his mistakes. Eventually. I guess "learning from your mistakes" is kind of the whole theme of Return From Death, anyway.

Red UwU

you are in for a ride. these next episodes are where the story starts to kick off. I'm happy you're watching this subbed, one of the best voice acting scenes in my opinion will be coming up very soon.


Love your discussion at the end. Subaru is one of my absolute favorite protag’s, but that’s because of how incredibly flawed he is and how well the story develops all of the characters


bro, I’m glad I stuck with this show bc it def gets better. But GOD DAMN I dont think I’ve ever HATED an MC more than I did w these few episodes. but I get it, the show made me appreciate Subaru by being one of the most realistic MCs I’ve ever watched tbh. Side note for all my guys: this is what that girl you like means when she says she don’t like nice guys. you’re lying to urself and ur being insufferable. Lmao do better


Just watch memory snow on your own. The other OVA, Frozen Bond, you could decide to react to it if you want, but neither needs one.

Eric The Viewer

I cringe so hard at Subaru's attitude in this episode. But it sets a baseline for his character growth through the season.


Subaru is annoying as hell in this episode lmaoo. I cut him some slack because he’s faced traumatic death like 50 times though. Lil bro needed a wakeup call