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so many "what the hell" moments this episode OOOOOOH



What I suspect is that all of Sense's tests have been about teamwork, and in the past, everyone was too arrogant to work together and there wasn't anyone like Denken who would take the lead.


Awesome episode! I thought they won lost episode but I’m glad to see a lot of action this episode. Frieren said she hadn’t used that move in 80 years. I’m assuming she meant on the demon king 80 years ago. Fern is badass but I guess even she has her own weaknesses seeing as her clone lost to Methode

Andrew Diseker

The third test is the hardest of them all! 😉


That last spell had to have been either Demon magic or maybe Elfen magic,


If this doesn’t win anime of the year next year my faith in humanity will be lost


From my assumption, since spell models are required to form the structure of a spell, gathered, and then released, I think that Frieren has reached the ‘height of magic’ where she controls the element of ‘raw mana’ that exists in the environment of the world itself and she’s able to bend them hence the floating rocks, smoke distancing, and throw them around. It is not technically ‘magic’ since it’s not a spell model. It is element of mana itself.


insane animation and such a great episode,, got the chills with that last Frieren copy's attack

Jordan Landry

The previously defeated copies showing up means that they don’t disappear, but actually respawn after being defeated. That’s why Übel said that it’s become a battle of attrition. With the goal being to just survive until Fern and Frieren win.


Carrot (Madhouse) and the stick (Mappa). You can keep your messy Thunderclap fights, I'll take this over that any day!

Matt Brock

Remember kids you can praise something without putting down other people's hard work. It's the grown up thing to do.

this is one long ass username

The Spiegel was able to keep recasting the replicas, even after they were destroyed Fun fact: Frieren is THE anime/manga in Japan right now breaking way past pop culture, even going as far as to having its own memes and sayings like for example when people do something honorable or are about to they say "it’s what Himmel would’ve done". So even people that don’t know the second thing about Frieren they know Himmel.


After watching this episodes a few times, from what I understand, Frierens last attack was a result of her unleashing her imagination? Frieren episodes usually always tie together events that happen in one part of the story with another. This part being Ubel and her power of imagination and Frierens last attack. I could be wrong It also seems to me like Frieren is trying to persuade Fern into believing she can beat her because if Fern puts into her head that she can’t win, then she’s already lost. Since magic is all about imagination, Fern needs to cast away all her doubts and imagine that she’s capable of winning, otherwise she stands no chance.

Benjamin Sones

Every time I see Lawine and Kanne, I can hear Sein shouting in my head "Just start dating already!"

Benjamin Sones

Also, I think this is the first time we've gotten to see Frieren go all out in a magical battle, and it did not disappoint.


Not putting down their work, just pointing out their unpolished product. I'm definitely not blaming the animators, just blaming Mappa. We've seen what Mappa can do with love with Chainsaw Man. I had an ulterior motive to diss JJK as I did not find it so impressive (story or animation) (And yes I'm aware of the Mappa issues)


This just popped into my mind, but I freaking love Fern's simple log of a staff. I hope we didn't lose it forever. I have too many cute memories with tiny Fern with the big log shooting Zoltraak at the stone. I like flashy staffs but the simplicity of Fern's staff is so cool!


Too real! And more I see of Methode, the more I feel bad for Sein.


How did the manga do before the anime? I'm sure it being #1 anime on MAL helped the manga and also the anime popularity. The show surely has tons of memeable moments, so I'm not surprised. Popularity-wise, I already have it on my top3 animes of all-time, so no surprises there neither.

this is one long ass username

The manga was already the most popular thing over there before the anime even aired so the two definitely benefitted each other. After the anime dropped the already 10 million manga copies sold jumped to 17 million solely because of the anime’s popularity

Steven Nelson

It should win AOTY, Best Fantasy and probably Music Score as well... My expectations however is Demon Slayer S4 will take AOTY and possibly Best Fantasy sadly. I mean the first 6 or 7 episodes of JJK S2 beat Vinland Saga S2 which is criminal, so I'm keeping my expectations to reality and hoping to be surprised.