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I was hoping we wouldn’t have to have this conversation but I feel the need to put this out for everyone just so there’s no confusion about what is and is not appropriate behaviour here and on Discord.

Let me start by saying that I love making audios for you all. I love creating fantasies or comforting content that lets you mentally escape and physically unwind. I find it extremely creatively fulfilling and, at the end of the day, I love knowing that I’m helping people feel good and making life a little easier when it seems like such a nightmare everywhere these days.

However I cannot continue doing that if my safety and privacy are not respected. When people DM me with prying questions about the specifics of my life, my whereabouts, etc. or speak to me in a way that feels obsessive or unable to differentiate fiction from reality, it makes me feel unsafe and wary of continuing here. In fact it causes me very real mental distress and makes it difficult to function and complete my work. So I wanted to talk about boundaries briefly, just so we’re all on the same page.

It can be difficult to know what is and isn’t appropriate in this spicy medium, and I fully understand that. So let me tell you what I’m comfortable with:

  • You are always welcome to give feedback on audios. I want to know what you like (and specifics!) but please keep it centered on the audio and the character(s).

  • You are good to ask any questions about content creation or non-identifying details about my life like personal preferences, how things are going, etc.

  • I love hearing about your lives, your interests, and how you’re doing, just please don’t DM me the play-by-play of your personal alone time or other ~intimate~ details (or photos) about yourself.

At the end of the day, I’m just a young woman with a microphone who’s here to create stories for you to enjoy. I love this little community we’re creating and I very much have been enjoying getting to know all of you at movie nights and through sweet exchanges in messages and comments and I would hate for that to be spoiled.

So that being said, any patrons who are showing concerning, inappropriate behaviours in private messages or on Discord will be banned without appeal. I don’t take this decision lightly but I feel the need to make this warning clear for my own wellbeing.

And to those of you who have been nothing but kind and supportive (and respectfully horny lol) since the day you joined, thank you so much for making it easier to do what I do. I appreciate you all immensely. You are wonderful gentlemen and ladies and I am so glad you’re here. Thank you again.

Now that that unpleasantness is done with, I’m here to say that I’m in the editing booth right now wrapping up this month’s exclusives and they should be out very shortly. Get hydrating 🤍


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