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hello hello from my editing den

I just wanted to pop in and, firstly, say hello to all of our new community members who've joined us recently! Welcome! And secondly to give a quick little update about the audio schedule.

You all voted for the Sweet Dream+ monthly exclusive and Breeding Your Wife At the Office won by a hair! I had planned to get that uploaded today for your listening pleasure but fate threw me a fun little road block and there's been horrible construction in the unit next door for the past two weeks and it's put my recording and editing schedule back by a bit... and has also been driving my sensitive little ears absolutely batty ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

No editing magic in the world will gloss over power tools at that decibel so I've had to rearrange my schedule a bit to try to find alternate times that give me the privacy and the silence that I require and that's set me back a bit in my schedule. It's frustrating as hell and I apologize for the delay. I wish I could teleport to a soundproofed cottage in some peaceful field somewhere and record to my filthy little heart's content, but alas, we work with what we've got.

The audio should be ready for you next week. I promise that it will be worth the wait ๐Ÿ’ฆ

๐Ÿค Lucy



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