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You ready to go on our date?? I'm soo excited, I spent forever getting ready :D 

....what do you mean you think I should change? You don't like my dress? 

I guess it's a little see through. but it's not that bad!

fine. I'll stand up and show you the whole outfit. ;)


PASS: 2Hot4D8Night?


hey everyone !!

please have fun and enjoy the video ^_^ as u can see, got my green screen set up again ! and i double checked all of the old video links, they should all be fixed which is super exciting as well :D 

as i was fixing links i realized i haven't revisited the beginner hypnotist in a while. i think i want to bring her back, what do y'all think :)

have a great start to your week! sending my love ♡♡





Nice video and perfect dress! :)

Sleepy Wil

Oh wow, a date night with mel?? How did we get so lucky, hehe 🙈 Also yes please mel!! It would be really nice to see how our favourite beginner hypnotist has been doing, I wonder what fun new tricks and techniques she's learned since our last session together 😊 Thank you for the new video mel ^_^ <3