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You still can't believe you agreed to this. Apprehensive, you sit down to face her. She looks way too excited. Crap. You think back to how you met. Maybe this was a bad idea...

One day, she just started showing up. You noticed her at your gym, your favorite takeout places, and occasionally hovering in the parking lot of your work. She was always alone, never saying anything, never approaching - until one day. She ambushed you in the grocery store. You had just grabbed a baguette when she popped up next to you. Her face was as red as a fire engine. She took a deep breath, and the words began tumbling out. What followed was an extremely long, embarrassingly romantic, highly obsessive confession of love.

Stunned, you clutched your baguette to your chest and tried to let her down gently. There's no way you could be her soulmate, you don't even know each other! She burst into tears and fled. You almost felt bad, but...she's pretty much a walking red flag, right?

You thought that was the end of it, but a few weeks later, she joined your gym. You tried your best to avoid her, but she cornered you by the squat rack one evening. She apologized for the love confession, saying she hoped there were no hard feelings. She explained she joined the gym because she was interested in getting stronger, and this gym was closest to her apartment. Still a bit weird and coincidental, but fine.

She made some friends at the gym, and mostly left you alone except for the occasional hello. Seeing her laughing and acting normal with her gym pals made you feel a bit bad for her. She was probably just lonely before; it didn't seem like she had any hobbies or friends when she was determined to be your shadow.

You relaxed your guard a bit, one thing led to another, and you made plans to hang out together. It's been months since that odd love confession, and she seemed totally over it. Besides, if you two were friendly, that would pacify her, and you could move on from that awkward encounter for good. She seemed to agree, even making a little joke about "Don't worry, we're friends now. And I don't stalk my friends." Everything was going great! ...Or so it seemed. You're second guessing that now that you're alone together.

She said she was fine being your friend. So why does it seem like she has naughty, ulterior motives?

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgF3cEZFvht6tWdYaiHOntAkqAr4yer5ttQl7E5E_1XEqpzhMo3Rg6XPUbv82iT7--61qUTI5MuZENpxHlFYCMJmvEAqq5lS7giKeePDbApX5FAI1SD04NLGoa2TAHueIEQx6cYNegk

PASS: obsessed&playingmindgamesXx


hello everyone :)

i spent my weekend looking for a big coat at the thrift stores because it is very very cold now !! now i can look like Randy from a christmas story. :)

we're really starting into the holidays now. it can be a painful time of year. just so you know, it's okay if you have to spend thanksgiving, christmas, new years, or any holidays alone. i've spent lots of holidays alone and kinda hungry, and the sun always comes up the next day.

but, i hope that everyone is looking forward to the holidays this year, and that it will be a happy time :) please stay safe y'all!

ALSO the dad jokes were so funny i was dying. i love laughing at silly things :)


btw, i'm really really appreciative of all the advice given about YouTube shorts. i am working on testing out a few clips and will hopefully post my first one soon :)


love to my patrons!!!




Fantastic work as always, had me held from beginning to end! Not sure how you can so consistently make bangers like this!