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Hey...could I, um, borrow you for a little bit? I kinda need you. See what I'm wearing? Ugh. I know. A little bit frumpy, to say the least. On the positive side, I guess it's a cute color? It's our new work uniforms, and I have to wear it. Boss's orders. Sigh.

There's a super annoying problem with this uniform, too. Look - all these buttons take me  forever to get done and un-done. I'm worried my hands are going to get tired and I might need some help. Plus, it just takes a long time, and I get bored. I want company. Pouts. Can you hang out with me while I undo all my buttons?

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgFmviFYuAEF-ElY2RBVfZTkG35BMJIMSxJ2K5uDWEQV_WlTE4WXakaoRPLVMM4uWRpDzn8WudDx7SvssZSxsHeHzbXUL82-_BMGIthcR3MkhK-yfPWScZ8u0dXmQVMAoa6aATmg86I

PASS: thesebuttonstake4EVER!!


i made it everyone!!!!!!! i've just finished moving from Texas allll the way to Portland, OR. WHEW it was such a long drive. count me out for any more cross country road trips for the next few years please :) hahaha. but it's really pretty here, and i think i could like it a lot! i surely love the trees already.

unpacking is going to take......a while lol. i still haven't got a filming area set up - this vid was one of the last vids i filmed in my old place :P i'm working on it tho. & i also have an anti-asmrtist vid going up on YT whenever i get done editing it!

finally, my pets were really awesome on the trip, but sushi cat is feeling sick. it was certainly a lot of change for a little feller so he has an urgent care appt later today. some of u know it hasn't been too long since i lost my other cat, so even tho i believe sushi will be fine it's really scary.

will be doing my best to get back to all comments/messages over the next few days xx

love mel


love to my patrons!!!




Yay! I’m glad to hear you made it safely after your road trip. Loved the video, good luck with the unpacking. Sending well wishes to sushi cat!


Glad to hear your move went well and hope your cat is doing better!