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Hey! Do you wanna play a game...?

I'm boored. C'mon, you're not doing anything. Play with me!! Please? Pretty please? I wanna play hide and seek. You hide, I seek. Pleeeeease.... It would be so so fun......

YESSS!! Okay, hurry up and pick a good spot! I'm going to start counting. 1....2....3....4....

Ready or not, here I come!!!

Now, where should I look....here? Okay, maybe under here? Hmm. Over there? No. Geez, where are you hiding??? Sigh... this is taking forever...

I'm thinking about giving up :( No no, I can't give up yet. I can do it. I can find 'em.

A-HA! There you are! I That was a much better hiding spot than I expected. I had to look allllll over the house, high and low. It was a lot of work!! and this was supposed to be fun....I didn't know you were so good at hide and seek!

I feel like I have to get you back for outsmarting me like that. Oh, don't worry, I already planned my revenge. I had plenty of time to think about it while I was searching for you. Now that I found you, I'm gonna catch you, tie you up, and tickle you until you scream and beg for me to stop! Hold still....

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgEmcFKBrELKpKFQS0Ct7WrsQEVBb9LedMplMax8XkHKUk3uMQ1sJ3NKrmki1ynOC8gVOy-5W5nc7S_rkEWFEYHZ1Cys9OOM356faW78nQpPrOyGIBg4VIdguSVxNmReUbi3wsTmwj0

PASS: GonnaFiiindYou!!x


howdy!! happy weekend everyone, i hope y'all get to do something fun :)

just an FYI, i'm going to change the patron goal. i was never expecting to reach 75 patrons so quickly!! wow!! i've actually been there for a while but kept forgetting to change the goal (lol). i am super grateful (!!!!), but i definitely don't have the budget to shop for a camera right now. so I'm going to set the goal to buy a "real" camera at 110 patrons :)

please enjoy the video!!! u are all rockstars ♡



love to my patrons!!!




Always up for hide n seek! Simple but so much fun! Congratulations on almost 90 patrons, you are marvelous, inventive, and you matter. Happy weekend ahead.