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Oh no! Not another one....Let me see what I can do here.

Hey there, poor thing. You must have been poisoned....there's been an evil witch in the forest targeting humans. Ah, I'm so sorry. You must be in so much pain. Don't worry, I've got it from here. I'll use my elven healing magic to save you.

There's something you should know about elven magic, though. It works best through skin-to-skin contact. I'm going to undress you and rub my hands all over your body. Oh, please don't move! You need to conserve your energy. I'll take care of everything, using my knife to cut your clothes off.

Wow, there's still so much poison left...I've been rubbing and rubbing but I can still feel it coursing through you. The witch really did a number on you. But my hands can only go so far -I need to use a stronger technique. We don't like to reveal this if it's not absolutely necessary, but elves have a magical healing technique that can mend almost any injury.

I'll need to use my mouth on you. Kisses from an elf can heal almost anything. Now, this might tingle, but it definitely shouldn't be unpleasant......

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgHyaAXFusmmuJVFRKtVi9h_mydZbdAMXsSNatoySwb2p1Zxid45h40_IFqWN_4jwAGbhqe5dhOhPw1hxY2loWAeo9X8iW3zg0561vX0cR9UOAtxogqcTnCtAfgm6rpeReaW3BxkwWY

PASS: ThisElfSucks;)


hiya everyone :)

thank you for watching! i hope you enjoy this one :)

on the personal side i've been dealing with complications from lupus, and i'm still trying to find a place to live. buuut hopefully by next month things will be a little better for me.

i've got some cool ideas for videos coming up that i'm excited to share with y'all here ^_^ and btw, i was so grateful for the nice reception on my last YT video (the Anti-Asmrtist). it is a more creative idea i had that's not quite my usual content so i had been nervous to post it!!

hope everyone is safe and thriving ♡ i'll be back again later this week.


p.s. did u know that elves have transparent clothing.....? that or someone (aka me) forgot that they shouldn't wear green clothing in front of a green screen......ahahaha oh well, maybe it's a new elf technology ;)


love to my patrons!!!




I'm legit buying the fact that elves invented green screen and that's why they live in the forest and are known for being sneaky


Your magic did a number on me too, Mel ~ whew! 😁