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Have you found a good hiding spot yet? Because she is ready to start looking...

I really like the mix of adorable and terrifying and Adeleine is perfect for this. Despite how horrifying she may look at times, we all know she is a big fluffy and cuddly bean!

May is here! And with this shot here finished, I only have 20 camera shots to do before the animation of the entire episode will be done. Hopefully it'll be in 2 weeks from now. Thank you so much for your patience, everyone. Really.💜




my goodness, she looks terrifying, in a somewhat sexy way I hope your May is turning out a lot better than mines right now. Shouldnt be long


Good work, my boi 👍


Yis! I really like how she looks here, the big bean monster! Oh, I'm sorry about that, I hope the month gets better for you soon.💜