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Learning a new software and three and a half clips animated in a month! Very happy with myself. I'm certain half of this last scene will be finished by the time I finally get my days off. If I'm lucky, those days of will only be me making music and polishing this scene.

It is getting there, slowly but surely. 74% completed!




Well, that looks interesting. Keep chuggin'. :D


It really did feel like the month of Kimi. You excelling at blender ,making great stride. Felt like not too long ago you made that awesome 3D Moon, man. Also, the ominous energy of Adeleine above


This software changed everything for the better, I'm glad the switch wasn't too jarring and how quickly I can add effects now! I would love to have all the animation done in May, though. I will make sure the audience understands The-soon-to-be-Company' s stress in this scene!


Let's go!! 24% to go!!


Good work kimi 👍!