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Original link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQvh06oEwcc


Pauline R

Hello! Han had a cold or symptoms of a cold recently, that's why he isn't in this SKZ code. But he's all good, said so himslef on Bubble. I think he might have missed four days to a week of schedules due to that. That's all :) Ah and it wasn't filmed too long ago. Mid January maybe? Dog-Poo is a nickname that became famous for HanQuokka in Korea for I forgot which reason but it might have been a meme made by STAY of a clip or a screenshot of Han or Quokka or a Bubble chat. (Yes, I am a bit clueless as to the origins of this haha.)

Katja van den Berg

Yes, Han was sick at the time. We dont know exactly how long, but he missed a fansign in China. This dropped later but a friend who notices and remembers all the hairstyles (seriously...who can keep track??) noticed Skz code was filmed with Hyunjin's "old" hair, so he was sick for a bit longer than we previously thought. Just glad this is possible and no one forces them to film when they're not well. This was so much fun. They are so naturally funny in teasing each other and coming up with crazy stories. As always, love that you play along with the games and try to answer as well. Oh and yes...next ep is on Thursday. Gosh...watching you with the cats reminds me of the videos Lee Know sent today of his babies. So so cute.

K-pop Auntie

Thank you. Now that you mention it, wasn't there a thing with one of his quokka stuffed animals looking like the poop emoji?

K-pop Auntie

Keeping track of hair styles. That's a whole 'nother level. Hopefully, Doc will come in to say hi for the next episode as well.