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So. I was able to record one reaction to San’s Warriors Performance Video and was in the middle of uploading it… when I lost power.

it’s not entirely unheard of to have snow on Halloween where I live in Michigan, but we got dumped on. Lake effect snow is no joke. I went from no snow this morning to ten inches as of now. There are branches down all over, including a six inch in diameter pine branch in my neighbor’s yard. went to the store less than ten minutes away and saw a car in a ditch and and an accident at an intersection. Power lines down. Traffic backed up forever at stop lights because everyone around here knows to treat them like four-way stops when the power is out.

All that to say, I had the time to do reactions today and would have loved to do some catching up, but instead I’m sitting in front of a fire because my furnace is out (but at least I have a fireplace and wood to burn), with an external phone battery, a battery-powered light, and a good book (because thousands of people using data instead of Wi-Fi means the internet is slower than grandma’s molasses). Hopefully, I’ll catch you tomorrow.



Trapped by a fire with a book... oh no. Stay warm and I look forward to seeing that reaction when you are powered back up again

Beverly Street

Oh, my! Stay safe! Hope the power is back soon!

Katja van den Berg

Always look forward to your reactions and I know you had lots of goodies to catch up with...however, something things just happen. And to be absolutely honest: a day in front of the fireplace with a good book sounds like heaven. So I hope you thoroughly enjoyed it.

K-pop Auntie

Looks like it’ll be two days now. Having a fireplace and a gas stove are coming in real handy right about now.

Pauline R

Oh wow! The snow came in no time! Enjoy your book and fireplace, and I guess stay safe. (I wouldn't mind being stuck with a book in front of a warm fireplace hehe.)