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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbgwkgVW3HQ


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Yes as you can imagine stays were in absolute shambles when this song dropped out of the blue. Normally the members give us a warning before something drops but not this time. And then not a single member spoke about the song for 2 days after its release so you can probably guess what kind of conclusion some people came to since it's highly unusual for all members to be radio silent after a song is released. So a lot of people were convinced this was Han and Lee Know's way of "coming out" and confirming their relationship and they were all radio silent because they wanted to see how stays felt about the song. But eventually Han came on bubble and decided to do a little q&a where he answered come of stays questions. He said that he made the song on august 4th and after the song was done he thought it fit Lee Know really well so he asked him to record it with him and he said yes. He also mentioned how Lee Know was concerned the song was too high but Han kept reassuring him that he could do it. And according to Han this song took 3 hours to make which is absolutely wild to me. When asked about what made him write this song he said that he didn’t really have a particular inspiration for the song but instead he listened to the track and felt it would make for a good happy love song.

K-pop Auntie

So kind of the reaction I was expecting, lol. SKZ was probably expecting something along those lines to happen, to be honest. I didn't know how quickly this came together. That's crazy. But hey, when you have a song, you have a song. Cool that Lee Know was willing to stretch himself on those high notes with Han's encouragement. They seriously sounded really good together on this one.


There were definitely some people who overanalyzed this song in relation to their relationship, however I did see a lot of people just making jokes about it and even then it seemed there were some Stays who really did not like the implication at all that it could be about them - to clarify I’m not saying it is, I’m just saying I saw a lot of comments on social media talking about how disgusted Han & Lee Know would be to see those jokes but… I mean, no? Why would they release a love song together if they hated being shipped? Again, this isn’t me saying they are together or anything like that, I just think it’s a little funny that some Stays get a bit too overprotective in regards to “Minsung” as if they don’t play it up often. I think if it bothered them as much as some Stays claim it does, they would be a bit more cautious, and probably not release a love song together? But that’s just a thought 😅

Katja van den Berg

Hahaha yes, this did cause quite the explosion on Twitter. Not just because of how sudden en un-hinted-at it dropped. Of course Han and Lee Know (and all of them) knew that would happen. And I bet that was why they were silent for a few days afterwards. Just to feed into all that. If the ship was real...hey, I'd be happy for them (or maybe not, because having to hide behind a ship instead of just openly being together would suck). Anyway....I love how they play these things up. And I love that they actually did a song together. Especially because their voices do match so well. And like you...yes...90s sitcom-vibes for sure. COuld have easily been the start of Growing Pains or some other show like that. And you're so right, Han has mentioned over and over that he writes about things he sees in dramas. That it's not necessarily things he's ever experienced himself. People often wonder if that's true. If he's not hiding behind that. And I can see how some of his songs (look at the mental health ones) sound like coming from his own heart and experiences. BUt I know for a fact how you can write about something you've never experienced yourself. I do it all that time. Not at his level, obviously...but only last year I wrote a song about motherhood, about feeling a baby grow inside you, holding your baby...watching it grow up to become an adult...the unconditional love you feel. I have never been a mother. NEver carried a child. But the girl who sang it, ended up leaving the studio first time we rehearsed, because she became overwhelmed with emotions because of the lyrics. She told me. This was exactly what she felt and had felt. So it's possible. YOu just take bits and pieces of what you hear people say, things you imagine it would feel like...and just write. So yeah, I can easily see Han writing about things he hasn't experienced himself. It's possible. It's also possible he has. He won't tell us, that's for sure. But that's okay. We get lots of songs out of it. Will this be my fav Skz record? No. So many other ones I love. BUt I really like the song. Love that he's writing happy things. Love that they sang this together.

K-pop Auntie

Yeah, SKZ doesn't exactly shy away from the shipping culture. At times they seem to clarify that there was no insinuation behind a certain comment, and then at other times Changbin will overtly flirt with Hyunjin for an entire episode of content. If it upset them, I'm sure Lee Know would stop smacking everyone's butts in public.

K-pop Auntie

Working with authors, I can absolutely attest to being able to effectively write a whole panoply of emotions and situation one has never experienced. Being able to write good fiction is entirely dependent on that ability. True, personal emotions and experiences are generally sprinkled throughout an author's work, but many authors are able to make readers either cry or soar when writing about something they have never encountered, themselves.