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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLpcenzIvs0


Tricky House Ep17



19:30 - Yeah, I do wonder if either the PD decided to retroactively count that shorter distance even though it should have been the full length of the tables, or if the guys were told to start from the length of both tables to make the mission seem more arduous? 21:12 - Hi Mama! That's a sweet dog =) Thinking of my comment re. the arcade games, I'm wondering if practicing bottle flips onto other bottles and so on was partly a strategy to keep the guys occupied while waiting during schedules! 'How to Play' has done pretty well - at 206k sales within the first week, that doubles the sales of their first album. Also, they'll be touring the US in October and November. The Chicago stop is October 24th. The tickets should be much more affordable, but that would still mean a trip into Chicago... decisions, decisions...

K-pop Auntie

Practicing all those challenges would definitely keep idol hands busy. See what I did there. Oh man. Wish I could go to more Kpop concerts. That's so tempting.