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Wake Up



Regarding the storyline, I feel like this song might be our heroes realizing that they were arrogant in their belief that everyone would welcome freedom from the tyrannical government, after the operation that destroyed things in the Bouncy mv (that structure that went up in flames and what looked like at least one of the Guardians -- I haven't taken the time to read the journal entries yet). They're trying to convince these people to wake up from the lingering hypnosis. As Left Eye said in the Guerilla trailer, they can't force people, they have to persuade them. This is probably my least favorite song on the album, though it has parts I really like (Wooyoung's part in the chorus especially) so I definitely don't skip it when it comes on =) My partner and others I've heard have said that they wish Hongjoong's fast rap part continued on for at least another two lines (bars?). In my opinion, probably because I like the rap to be more of a light seasoning on a song, it felt just right. Long enough to enjoy, not so long that it got monotonous for me.

K-pop Auntie

Now that you mention it it, it (three its in a row, nice) does seem that the rappers generally have this one verse that they rap for in a song and that's pretty much it. I hope we get a little more rapping throughout and even by other members, like with Seonghwa in Bouncy. But that's me as a rap fan speaking.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if that eventually happens! Just so long as ATEEZ's music keeps its spatially open, epic, dramatic sound.