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Idol Human Theater 230603 YT


Lea-Sophie Strelow

Yeah my first thought was: which side of booktok are the guys on (especially Han and hyunjin)?!😂😂 Glad I’m not the only one 😅


I love this show, it's always so funny 😂


i’ve only heard the terms alpha and omega in werewolf series/movies. and also men on the internet calling themselves alphamales because they think they’re more ‘manly’ than others

Pauline R

It's always so much funnier to watch content with you for a second time. What to do of SKZ? Their chaos is my definition of perfection haha. They seemed to have a great time, it makes me even happier! Oh and sorry but I can't help with alpha/omega situation, I only know about it the same way you do. That bit threw me for a loop.

K-pop Auntie

I must admit that I don't watch or read much werewolf stuff. The omega thing could very possibly stem from "normal" shows as well. The authors I edit for have corrupted my brain.


someone who talk korean clarify this on twitter, they didn't actually use the term omega and alpha here, the words they use don't have a translation in english ...They use a meme word that mean something like : lower/higher level rank but since there no exact translation, they use omega/alpha in english

K-pop Auntie

That clarifies things for sure. Sounds like there were plenty of people who heard omega and did a double take lol. They probably should have used beta instead if that were the case.

Katja van den Berg

I know people explained the use of the word omega male in the subtitles, but all I know is a lot of people I know went "OMG they really know about the fanfic too". Because since Wolfgang there's a LOT of fanfic that's werewolf related and use alpha, beta and omega characters in Skz. But even if they didn't use that word, it was translated that way. And I can't help thinking staff knows. And we know Stray Kids knows a LOT that's going on online. And the staff would too. They keep an eye on things. So I can't help thinking they saw an opportunity to give some fans a jumpscare hahaha. Anyway, these are so fun to watch with you!!

K-pop Auntie

LOL I had no idea that there was fanfic specifically because of Wolfgang. That is fantastic. Fantastically hilarious. Oh, Stay.