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Hey all, thanks for your patience. Finally finished Elf Jail r3.0!

Edit: Updated with r3.1!

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in this new version if you have already played with Ally prior to doing all the stuff with nellie you get stuck unable to leave again


Er? Can you explain further? Like what you did and how you're stuck (Like are you in an endless menu loop, did game freeze, etc.)


if you have exhausted Ally before you run into the whole thing with Nellie and fight and defeat her then in this new version you get told to let her rest, but since you can't pass time anywhere it also means your soft locked. Also when you fall under the curse of your hat, provided you are wearing it into that fight there are options that are refusals but are blacked out, is there a way to access those without actually being brainwashed, or are that there just for flavor? (Like when you are asked why you are happy there is a grayed out option saying you are not happy ETC)