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Inside the dark Venue, some of the girls were doing their best to be chosen by the customers. They were throwing kisses towards the men in the room, lifting their dresses a little higher, showing off more than just their legs.

"Sirs, please could you hurry and make your decision. Other customers are waiting. We can't keep the girls out here forever." The server asked them.

Behind, some of the older men were already mumbling, and he could hear a few of them mentioning numbers here and there. Everyone had a menu, but not everyone had asked to see all the girls as Austin had done.

Looking at the girls, Gary noticed a few things. Some of them were standing in a defensive position, rubbing their arms and covering themselves from the gazes of others. It was clear that they didn't want to be there.

'I was right, sure there are some who are willing, but not all of them want to be here.' Gary thought. With this thought in mind, it allowed Gary to calm himself down from the situation a bit. He looked toward all the girls and said. "Number 13."

Stepping to the side, they allowed her to step forward, her being Stacy. Gary still had his hood up, even in the establishment. The workers seemed to be okay with it, perhaps because some people who came here didn't want anyone seeing them. It didn't look like she hadn't noticed who he was yet.

'That was the girl that Innu kept trying to talk to as well.' Austin noticed. 'Man, those two are into the same girl. That's going to cause a problem, that's for sure. Maybe I should stir the pot with Innu for a bit.' Austin smirked as he was finally able to make a decision.

"Are there any of you with a kid?" Austin loudly declared with his arms crossed. He said the words so confidently, and even the girls looked at each other strangely. It wasn't a request they often got, that was for sure.

Gary almost fell out of his chair. He was so stunned.

'A kid, why is he asking if any of the girls have a kid…unless he is just here for fun. Does that mean he has a thing for older women? Man, I am learning too many things about those close to me today, which I don't want to know. I'm afraid if Innu was here, he would be asking for the girls to show their feet or something.'

The truth was that Austin was having different thoughts, thinking that those with Children might be more willing to talk. Having more on the line and perhaps more frightened of what the Pincers would do to them.

"I'm sorry, sir, but our workers can't reveal that information. Please just pick the one you like, and you can discuss the service with the girl in the room." The server was frustrated that they had already wasted so much time.

"Okay, number 8." Austin declared, and a small young-looking girl stood forward. If Gary were a betting man, it would have been the last person he had picked. Honestly, he didn't know what to think of the high school top dog right now.

The rest of the girls walked away, and now the workers were to lead them where to go next. The two four entered an elevator together, arriving at the second floor. They could see a long hallway with several rooms on either side.

Each room had a corresponding number above. Following the girls, it was finally time.

'I can't believe I'm in a place like this..what the hell happened to my life.' Gary thought, and finally, Stacy had opened the door to allow the other one in.

On the other end, opposite their room, Austin had entered rather quickly into the room as well.

"Thank you," Gary said, heading inside. His legs felt like they were going to buckle at any second, and he was wondering just how Austin was going to deal with all of this.

Entering the room, Gary didn't know what he had imagined, but it wasn't this. There was a large bed with fancy pillows he had never even seen before. Looking at them alone, he could just imagine how soft they were.

Then there was a closed-off bath and a separate shower with marble flooring in the toilet. Quickly running into the bathroom, the worker felt like her customer was acting rather strange.

"Hey, this is like a hotel right, so all these small Shampoo bottles and stuff are free," Gary asked.

"Yeah," Stacy replied.

Shoving them into his pocket, Gary felt like he knew the perfect gift to hand to his sister on his birthday. Hotel shampoo was a luxury, for him, that was.

'This…is like a dream place for me. I've never even been in a hotel before.' He couldn't stop smiling.

Running out of the toilet, Gary ran into the main room like a little kid. The first thing Gary did was jump on the bed and lie on his back. It bounced him a little bit, and soon his body started to sink in. It was, as expected, the softest thing he had ever experienced.

He could only imagine how nice it would be to fall asleep in such a place. Not just that but on his own. Without having to share a room. Opening up his eyes, he realised he had a job to do. He wasn't alone, but he soon got distracted again, seeing something else. A particular set of items on the table were laid out. They stood up hard and long and were all sorts of different colours. Some had unusual designs, rigid, big and small, all shapes and sizes. He had seen these items on specific videos he would watch. It made him gulp.

Heading to the table, Gary picked up one of the strange objects. He had chosen the one that was pink in colour. He started to shake it about left and right with his hand, and surprisingly it had some give as it flopped about. His thumb rubbed against the bottom and noticed there was a button. Curious, he pressed it, and the object started to shake violently.

"Whoa, I nearly dropped the thing!" Gary said. "That's really violent. Do they even like these things?"

As he was about to put the pink object down on the table, he heard the sound of sobbing and realised it was coming from the girl.

"I can't do it…please, I don't want to do it…." A cry came from behind, and he could see Stacy was in tears, hardly able to stand up.

"I'm sorry, sir, but please.. it's my first day, and…I just need time if you could pick someone else." Stacy continued to plead.

Gary walked over, not realising he still had the object in his hand, which was only frightening Stacy more, wondering what this person planned to do to her until she heard him say. "It's okay. I'm not going to do anything like that. I just wanted to ask you a question."

Taking down his hood, it was the last person Stacy ever thought she would see in a place like this. Seeing his Green hair, she couldn't help but say. "Gary!"


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