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Howdy Folks,
Do you fine patrons wish to see more Wrath of the Bimquito or have any suggestions for what kind of Bim Fever content you'd like to see?   Should I try out other themes or keep drawing various videogame characters getting boinked by the Bimquito.   Let me know your thoughts.  Thanks for your time!



Yes! Though I don’t really care what gets bitten be they your oc’s or preexisting characters, I just really like the concept and think you should keep going with it!

baron sin

A fictional Politician and their assistant trying to run for mayor (or something) but they gets stung by the bimquito while holding a Rally (for like 3 people) next frame is them as complete bimbos in front of a huge crowd (Maybe with a "Mayor" sash?)


I think using video game characters certainly gives it more of an appeal, as it’s well established characters many know being transformed. But moving on from just them is also fine


bimquito's a lot of fun, i'd be happy to see more. more themes than just video games would be good


Not really a fan of Bimquito, to be honest. I love TG, but to more normal looking womens. Bimbos, by looking "too much" kind of snap me out of it. Just my two cents, though.


Keep the video game theme but also branch out into other forms of media such as movie and tv show characters! One idea I had was Tetsuo from Akira gets bit by the bimquito and turns into Fubuki from One Punch Man, just an idea though.


I personally prefer OC’s over pre-existing characters, just normal folks turned into bimbos


Keep going :)) how about mr.fugly?

Mr. Domino

I gotta second this. I'm never really been too much of a fan of the Bimb-Fever/Bimbquito stuff. Especially when it comes to characters from video game franchise I don't like or am not familiar with, like the early Resident Evil games or Final Fantasy. Or Persona and other games from Japanese origin. I just never had much interest in Eastern games, and have always just played Western ones. And Eastern games tend to win out a lot so it's even harder to get invested in the character being changed. Same goes when Anime characters get TG'd/TF'd. Cowboy Bebop is the only Anime I've ever enjoyed, so all these other characters are just people I don't know. Those are my thoughts on it, at least. Whatever you do is great on a base level due to the quality of it, but I just can't muster up the interest when it's Bimb-Fever/Bimbquito or Anime/Eastern video game characters.

Silicone Raquel

Original characters you come up with are gold! Seriously creative stuff. It’s fun to inject a non original character in there every once in a while but if you’re not familiar with the game it’s not as fun.


Thank you for the concept! I'm thinking of making the next "Wrath of the Bimquito" open for suggestions and I'll throw yours into the pool of suggestions. I think it's a lovely idea.