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Regardless of the poll I just made, there will be at least one more sequence of "Fugly Versus the Girl".  Essentially,  I still need two suggestions for fighting game characters.  They can be any gender.  The only criteria is the characters will have to been featured in a fighting game ("Street Fighters", "Smash Bros.", "SNK", "Marvel Vs. Capcom", etc.).   I'll create two polls from the two suggestions from patrons, one for Mr. Fugly and the other for Rocker Grrl.

Again, I need two suggestions from each patron for fighting game characters.  Mr.Fugly and Rocker Grrl will be changing into these characters.  Mr. InternetMan, the creator of Mr. Fugly, will provide a hidden fighter or two.  If patrons vote for a character already picked by MrInternetMan, the second place winner of that poll will also make an appearance!

I truly appreciate all of your suggestions and your votes!



I would love to see Juri from SF

baron sin

I'm not sure if she already has been used (Gonna check later on) but Maybe Sheik? (Legend of Zelda, but has been in pretty much every Smash Bros since Melee)


Fugly- Fubuki (One Punch Man:A Hero Nobody Knows) Rocker Grrl- Mystique (X-Men:Next Dimension)


I would like see Fugly TF as SHAIA HISHIZAKI and Rocker Grrl. Anna Williams from Tekken.


For Fugly, he should shift into Satsuki from Kill La Kill: IF. If only to make it fair since Ryoko was shown earlier. :3 For Rocket Grrl, she can shift into the Ice Climbers from Smash Bros. Like she splits into the both of them!

James Wutrich

Fugly turning into Soul Caliber's Setsuka vs Rocker Grrl as Guilty Gear Baiken


Shazam (Injustice) vs Captain Marvel (MvC)


Mr Fugly should become Sheeva from Mortal Kombat, and Rocker Grrl can shift into Taki from Soul Calibur.

Alpha 01

I would recommend Baiken from Guilty Gear and Menat from Street Fighter

Erin Brioche

Makoto Nanaya from BlazBlue + Pokemon Trainer (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)

Maximilian Ahn

Asagi Igawa from Action Taimanin and Asuka from Senran Kagura


Sakuya Izayoi (Hisoutensoku) and Athena (KoF)