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Howdy Folks,

I hope your New Year is going well.  I'm just dropping a post to say that, due to health issues, I will no longer be accepting new commissions or requests for sketch art.   As many of you know, my health has been all over the place and, frankly, I'm not sure if I'm getting better.  Due to neuropathy and a change in my medication, I've been having a plethora of strange sensations in my feet, hands, arms and face.  I feel like I've been having mini-strokes, burning and tingling sensations, and sharp jolts of pain.   While I've never been a good sleeper, I can barely sleep at night. This has affected my productivity and ability to keep producing work on a reliable, constant basis.  

I'm putting a hold on accepting new sketch requests until I've caught up on work I owe people.  I will only accept donations for CURSED, general membership pledges, and money for sequences that people have not fully funded.

New content will continue to flow through this account.  Sequences, illustrations, CURSED pages covering all kinds of transformations are in the works.  If I owe you art, I will get to it and will happen.  If you want a refund, let me know and I'll get it to you as I can.

Thank you for your comments, patronage, and patience.  If you wish to continue donating money at the same pledge support levels, I will be deeply grateful, but I cannot accept new requests until I've completed my backlog or I improve.  Let me know if you're donating to support my art or content in general.  I cannot accept new sketches requests, however.  It just ain't fair to any of you.  It's going to be a while, but every one will get their art.

Stay cool, you crazy cats and dogs. 



Take care of yourself. Hope it improves soon!


Damn, I'm real sorry to learn about your health problem not improving. I wish you a good and full recovery, Zoe.


that sounds terrible! get well soon!

Silicone Raquel

We will all be here for you. Take care and hopefully get well. We love you!

Wren Zephyr

Your health comes first dearie

Erin Brioche

IIRC my last sequence is fully funded, so should I drop to a lower tier?

Robert Louis Stoll

Be well. Otherwise, we'd get nothing and that'd be even sadder :(

The Rare Delurker

Well, now I feel bad for posting one of my descriptive requests the night before you put this out. I'll obviously not do any more until you have signaled us you are well and caught-up enough to open things back up. Do get yourself well. That is important. It's been a privilege to help support you and to see the results. I will wait and hope you are able to recover and get back to where you were with your work and your living a fulfilling, healthy life.

Cezar Nix

I'm so sorry you're going through such a tough time, Zoe. Well wishes to you. Sending you a PM regarding my arts...


Take care of yourself and get well soon! Sorry to hear you're going through so much. :(