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It’s finally time - Infinite Backlog is done hiding behind the beta-label, we just dropped our 1.0 update, and it’s a big one! To celebrate the official release of Infinite Backlog we’ve added a lot of cool new features. Some highlights of our personal favourites:

Statistics page

You now have access to a super fancy statistics page showing all kinds of cool stats about your gaming profile. It ranges from details on your collection and backlog to your most played games, genres and and favourite developers. It also shows your most played franchise, your entire collection broken down by platform, genre and theme and a lot of achievement stats. View a full example here!


Most gamers like earning achievement so we thought we'd give you something to collect while working on your backlog, building up your collection and simply using the site! We added 13 site-related badges to start off and will keep adding badges in other categories in the next couple of releases!


The dashboard has been redesigned slightly to make room for some new stuff. It now shows the user's friends, exp progress, the optional personal information from the settings page that wasn't used anywhere, badges and gamertags! Further down (not in screenshot) you'll also see a breakdown of the user's ratings and their last 5 rated games. 

Game page

We moved around some stuff on the game page and added a section that shows all users that own, are playing or want the game. You can now also see your achievement progress directly on the game page.

Further down the page you'll find other versions of the game, ranging from editions like GOTY and collectors to remakes, remasters and ports. 

This is just a handful of the new features we've added this release. You can find a complete list of them here.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for trying out IB and helping us build the community. The hardest part isn’t making this website a great tool, but making it feel alive and give everyone a reason to return. You guys are part of that reason and we're happy to share this milestone with you! 

Special shoutout to our new Backlog Legends and Slayers, you guys are awesome <3 



Paul van der Linden

Wow. Awesome work you guys! I'm already addicted to IB 😛