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Happy Pride Month!  In recognition of this month, I present this werehyena story for your (hopefully!) enjoyment.  I received a lot of help from a couple of wonderful people in the creation of this story so, to you two, thanks again!

The pain was present throughout his upper body, deep beneath his skin.  He reached up, watching his reflection in the standing mirror as he traced the interrupted line running horizontally across his slender, flat chest with a hovering finger.  The movement made him wince, but it was more by reflex than any real discomfort beyond the everpresent tenderness.

Three weeks after the surgery, angry red lines marked the incisions and the swelling was still present.  His doctor had assured him it would go down in time and he'd been using ice packs religiously to help.

He stared at his nipples.  The urge to touch them and check how they were healing was hard to resist.  His doctor's stern words replayed in his mind, warning him about potential rejection.  He bit the corner of his lip as he turned to look at them from different angles, glad, at least, that the shedding had finally stopped.

An array of items were laid out on the counter beside his bathroom sink.  He glanced down to touch a roll of gauze before pulling the mirror open to double-check that he had plenty more in reserve.  A quick pang lanced through his chest, causing him to wince when he remembered accidentally stretching his arms too high until the incisions had felt like they were going to tear.  He'd called the nurse line in a panic while stripping down to check for damage and cried when they'd reassured him.

He'd been cleared to shower - cautiously, and he relished every moment after all of the sponge baths.  Even now, as he shivered in the cold bathroom with puffs of steam escaping through the gap in his shower curtain, he hesitated.  With his doctor's assurances repeating in his head, he turned, offering his back to the shower as he stepped into the tub.

Warmth soaked into his skin.  He pressed his hands against the wall while leaning into it, enjoying the needling water and the thin rivulets that traced erratic patterns over his back.  Still bowing, he turned, blocking his body with his head.  Now the water ran along his nape before curving around his neck and down his chest.  He reached for the bottle of liquid soap where it sat on its jutting shelf.  As carefully as he could, he lathered his shoulders, front and back before returning to the shower stream to let the water mix with soap to run down his body.

He took his time, sighing often while scrubbing between folds and creases and over his smooth skin.  Down to the pronounced mound shrouded by curly pubic hair.  Up again, touching the wrinkled hood covering his distended clit to push it aside and clean around it.

My t-dick, he thought to himself, brushing the exposed, enlarged tip.  The change from before his treatments was remarkable - and exciting.  A small, satisfied smile crossed his lips as he played with it briefly, staring down at the way it jutted out from the hairs covering his lower stomach and legs.  It was such a reaffirming view that filled him with happiness.  He stroked it and it responded in kind.  No- my dick.  Just that.  My little cock.

Just as he was cleaning his more intimate parts, his phone rang from his bedroom.  He continued to scrub, squatting to get between his toes without hurry as the ringing stopped.

Once out of the shower, he rubbed his shoulder-length hair with his towel as well as he could without stressing his chest.  Cleaning the rest of his body was far easier, but still required attention to detail every step along the way.

He had a date with Aubrey tonight.  A true date and not just half an hour of help around the house.  She'd wanted to be there with him, to help him recover and tend to him, but he'd taken an unusually strongwilled stance of wanting to deal with everything by himself.  The discussion had nearly escalated into their first argument until Aubrey had stopped to take a slow breath and really look at her boyfriend.  She saw the hot tears at the corner of his eyes and relented, instead making him promise to call if there were any problems, regardless of what time it was.

It had taken less than a day for him to admit his mistake when he realized how difficult it was to do his day-to-day tasks without stressing his chest.  While he'd found some inventive ways to handle things, so much more was out of his reach.  Literally, sometimes.  Aubrey had arrived after his call with prepared food and, at his request, had done what she could to "T-Rex proof" his apartment to make it easier for him.  Respecting his initial wishes, she arrived only to help with food and any other thing he might need before leaving after a quick kiss.  And never once an "I told you so."  He loved her dearly.

"Ugh," he said, leaning into the mirror above the sink.  His fingers touched a few errant hairs above his lip, three on his left cheek and one on his right.  Fishing his razor from a drawer in the vanity, he stuck his tongue out and carefully ran the razor over his cheeks before pushing his top lip down to tighten the skin before shaving the remaining hairs.   "All at once would be nice, whoever is listening out there."

His fingers toyed with the small line of hair below his belly button as he surveyed the rest of his face, turning to find any new hairs he might've missed.

Satisfied, he stepped back and pulled the towel from where he'd hung it around his neck.  Once more, with his elbows below his shoulders, he worked to dry the wet strands until he'd decided they were good enough.

Goosebumps rose on his body, prickling his skin as they lifted, centered on his nape and arms but spreading quickly.  He walked to his bedroom, stopping by his nightstand to tap his phone. Seeing the missed call from his father, he frowned and nearly called him back before deciding to get dressed first.  Anxiety filled him.  The thought of his parents always made him nervous, even after moving out of their house five years ago.

"It'll be fine," he told himself while grabbing his underwear.  "They're a thousand miles away.  It'll be fine."

His words did little to help and he hated that he still couldn't dispel the old, lingering pain.  He sighed while sliding his boxer briefs up and over his ass.  They hung loosely at the front, held in place by the virtue of his plump, rounded ass cheeks and the slight curve of his hips.  Stretchy blue jeans followed.  Biting his tongue between his teeth, he stared into his closet, touching his shirts until he settled on a baggy black t-shirt emblazoned with the jagged logo of Judas Priest.

After making sure his chest was dry, he wrapped the gauze around himself, ensuring that everything was tight enough to stay without being too tight.  With a heavy sigh, he grabbed his compression vest, sliding it over the gauze and tugging the edges to pull everything in place.  The t-shirt followed, hiding everything.

A memory surfaced, making him smile as he looked at his reflection in the mirror hanging on the back of his bedroom door.  Gentle teasing from his girlfriend about his black clothes and the simplicity of his outfits.  'Going too hard in one direction,' she'd told him, but carefully and without malice before kissing him.

Now clothed, he returned to his nightstand to sit on the edge of the bed.  His hand trembled as he reached for his phone until he snatched his hand away while clenching it into a fist.

"It'll be fine," he repeated, exhaling and inhaling with even breaths.  "I'll be fine."

The phone woke at his touch and his PIN unlocked it.  Before he could change his mind, he redialed and held the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" his father said.  The clear connection carried notes of concern and hesitation.

"Hey dad," he said while rubbing his suddenly sore throat.  "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, no, everything's fine.  We're all good here.  I just wanted to check in on you.  You know, it's been a while."

Over a month, he thought, touching his chest once again.

"Are you eating enough?" his dad asked, continuing when the silence stretched between them.  "Do you have enough money?  I know rent is crazy over there and, you know, we're doing well here.  I don't mind sending-"

"I'm fine, dad, really," he said, interrupting him.

"Good, that's good, you know I worry," the older man said.  "And- and classes?  You're still taking night classes for your degree?"

"Yeah, I'm struggling with some of the concepts, but my professors are really good."

"Ah, your old man was always bad with computers so I get it.  Why you got into programming them is beyond me."

"Can't work at the big box store my entire life," he replied.  And then he laughed bitterly.  "God, I hope not.  It's driving me crazy."

"Hah, yeah, I bet," his dad said in return.

He could feel something lurking in the conversation.  As if his father desperately wanted to bring something up but couldn't find the right way to do it.  He squeezed his eyes shut and breathed out.

"How- how is mom?" he asked.

"She's-" his father hesitated.

Pressure condensed around his heart while his throat constricted and hot tears threatened to spill from the corner of his eyes.  He hated that she still had that much power over him, despite the passage of years.  The anger he held, that he would've bottled up and pushed down, spilled over - up and out as the pressure moved up to his head and temples.  He held himself in check as best as he could.

"She changed your name on her phone, James," his father said.  He spoke so carefully.  Measuring every word in his mind before speaking them.  "Well, I did.  She's worse than I am about- Well, she- she asked me to help.  To help her do it."

James laughed, a quick little surprising thing that startled him and defused his anger.  He took the phone away from his ear while pressing his free hand to his face.  Eyes closed, but the tears still fell and his lips trembled.  He sniffled and wiped his nose before grabbing a tissue to blow properly.  Once finished, he tried to control his breathing, inhaling and exhaling with steady, measured breaths.

"That's- that's good," James said.  "That's really- But, I can't-  I'm too-"

"I know, I'm sorry," his father said quickly.  "I just got so excited that I had to share.  She still- she's still not completely- but, well, it's a step.  And- and- I'm trying to work with her, James.  She's old.  Hell, we're old, but she's set in her ways and-  I just wanted to share."

"Thank you," James told him.  His voice cracked through his aching throat.   "I have to go."

"I know," his father said.  "Um.  I love you, James.  Thanks for calling back.  Say hi to Aubrey for me and send my love to her, too."

"I will," James said, grinding his teeth while wiping his cheek.

After ending the call, James bent forward with his hands on his knees.  Needles tickled his scalp in waves while he tried to control his emotions. His therapist would be thrilled to hear the news, he knew, but his trauma was still too great to begin to forgive his mother.

"A step, I guess," he said quietly before gritting his teeth.  Once again he wiped his face with his forearm and bounced up.

James slipped his phone into his back pocket.  After three steps, he sighed, pulled it out and placed it in his front pocket.  He continued to the front door, grabbing his wallet and keys and, after a quick glance through his living room window, a light jacket from the hook on the wall.  Standing by the door, he glanced down and adjusted himself, slipping a hand beneath his pants to push his cock into a slightly more comfortable position.  It immediately returned to the front and he bit the inside of his lip when it rubbed against his underwear.

Aubrey filled his mind.  He felt himself become erect as his libido perked its head up to look around.  Goosebumps returned, followed by a warmth that made him sigh.  He'd planned a simple date with nothing more than cuddling the entire night, back in his girlfriend's arms once again.  Instead, his mind wandered as he gripped his keys and he found himself distracted - something that he'd found happening more and more lately.  It was intrusive and annoying and something he'd been unprepared for, but he couldn't push the image of Aubrey out of his mind.  Naked, kneeling before him.  Smiling up at him while holding his cock, thumb rubbing its length.  Bending towards it to-

James groaned and pressed his forehead to the door.  He could feel it throbbing and rubbing against his underwear but he dared not to touch it again to try to adjust himself.  It would end with him masturbating until he orgasmed, and maybe more than once.  Instead, he gripped his keys until they hurt and he breathed in and out while clearing his mind.  The urge passed after several minutes, leaving him with a sense of loss and frustration.

"Plenty of time for that another day," James said, unlocking the door.  Even then, the fantasy tried to reasset itself several times on his walk to his car.  Cuddles and reassurances and reconnecting physically and mentally with his girlfriend was all he wanted that evening.  A quiet, soft night, especially after the phone call with his father.

Cold autumnal winds surrounded him during his short walk.  The gusts slipped through his loose clothing to tease his skin and he gasped at its touch.  After allowing himself a moment to recover and adjust, he bowed his head and walked on, ignoring the occasional loose orange leaves that spiraled around him.

His old car waited in the corner of the complex's parking lot.  James glanced at it before raising his head to inhale as deeply as he could.  The cold air scratched his throat while the skin tightened on his chest around his expanding ribs, held tight by the gauze and vest.  He put his keys back into his pocket and then walked past his car, deciding at the last minute to clear his mind by skipping the drive.  When the wind tugged and pulled against his clothes, he zipped his jacket, flipped the collar up and shoved his hands into his the pockets.  Although his eyes were lowered to the sidewalk in front of him, he stared through the concrete and beyond, lost to his thoughts.

Nearly an hour later, with an endless line of storefronts passing him on the right, he heard the loud, clear jingle of a bell ringing.  James paused and looked up.  With the exception of a few people ahead of him, the sidewalk was empty.  He turned to the shop next to him.  A clerk stood at the register within, but no patrons wandered around inside.  James craned his neck to look at the neighboring stores, only to find them empty as well.

He almost walked on.  His head swiveled back to the sidewalk until he caught sight of a headless bust on display inside the store on his right.  A curved white fang hung on a leather strap around the stand's alabaster neck.  James' eyebrows pulled together as he stared at it and he took an involuntary step towards the window while his fingers raised to his own neck.  He was breathless for a few moments as he stared at the necklace and his mouth ran dry until he remembered to swallow, breathe, and lick his lips.

A white halo created an outline of his hand where it rested against the glass in front of the display.  James blinked rapidly.  He didn't remember leaning in so close or touching the glass.

"What am I- ohhhh dammit," he groaned.  Taking his hand away, he pushed it into his jean's pocket to shove at his cock.  Sudden arousal flooded his body.  He gasped and then groaned, his voice rumbling quietly.  Aubrey was there, again, but now James was gripping the back of her head, pulling her mouth down towards his aching, throbbing-

"Whoa whoa whoa, fudge," James said while glancing around.  He realized, too late, that he was stroking himself and his ears burned when he yanked his hand from his pocket.  "Dammit."

The necklace remained.  He found himself directly in front of it and he crouched, touching his knee to the ground until his reflection showed the leather strap around his own neck.  Again he reached out, touching his index and middle finger to the glass where the fang touched his ghostly chest.

James stood.  Turning, he walked to the door without a thought and stepped inside the waiting warmth.  A bell jingled in the distance and the clerk looked up and sized James up with a quick, professional glance before returning to the open magazine laid out on the coutner.

Hi, James thought, unable to put voice to the word.  Sometimes he hated how meek he was, but  years of keeping to himself and being emotionally battered when he'd stepped out of his comfort zone left him withdrawn.

Although small, the store was filled with a dizzying array of unusual items - jewelry, mostly, but a few stuffed animals and mechanical objects were strewn about with odd, distorted items that his eyes refused to acknowledge.

After a casual glance, James ignored everything else as he made his way to the front display.  The leather cord was tied together with a simple knot at the back.  He licked his lips as he looked down on it.

"How-" James grit his teeth and swallowed, forcing himself to speak up.  "How much is this necklace?  With the tooth?"

"Hmm?  Can you bring it to me, please?" the clerk asked in a surprisingly smooth, even voice.

He'd wanted to touch it since he first saw it.  Given permission, he reached immediately to lift it from the bust, twining the cord around his finger to let the fang dangle from his hand.  He pressed it against his chest to walk it over to the counter.  It took physical effort for James to force his hand away from his body to place the necklace on the counter.  When he looked up, he found the clerk staring at him and James stepped back.  Red flooded his pale cheeks.  He bowed his head under the scrutiny of the clerk but looked up to find the other man still watching him.

"It's ten dollars," the clerk finally told him, without once looking down at the necklace.

"No fucking way!" James blurted.  His eyes bulged and he pressed his hands to his mouth as the blush crept up his cheeks to the tips of his ears.  "S- Sorry, I'm just- I'm just surprised.  Are you sure?"

"Yes, quite certain," the clerk reaffirmed.  "Ten dollars total, tax included."

James looked back at the necklace.  It looked real.  The root was slightly discolored with the glossy fang curving to a sharp ivory point.  He reached down to touch it, suddenly sure that it was plastic junk until his fingertip glided across the surface.  He picked it up to feel the weight in his hand before setting it back down on the counter.

"Do you know what it's from?" James asked.

"I don't, I'm afraid," the clerk responded.  "The owner would know, but he's... on a sabbatical."

"It's really just ten dollars?" James asked.  A small part of his mind - a part he hated passionately - was sure the man was mocking him.  That he would suddenly laugh and tell him that, not only was it two thousand dollars, but that he wouldn't sell it to James.  He pushed the thoughts away.

"Yes," the clerk said with perfect patience.

"I'll take it," James told him.  With his mind distracted, he reached for his hip before frowning and dropping his hand down to his back pocket, retrieving his wallet and his debit card stored within.  "Oh, wait."

James opened the wallet.  He touched the five dollar bill inside and then counted the one dollar bills stored next to it.

"Oh, I have cash after all.  Exactly ten, neat," James said as he handed over the bills.  The clerk took the money, opened a small box on the side of the counter and dropped it inside without counting.

"Thank you for your purchase and have a wonderful day," the clerk said and he finally smiled.  James was caught by the genuine warmth of it and he blushed deeper, stuttering his own thanks as he retrieved his new necklace and left the store.

"I can't believe I- Ow!" James hissed as he opened his clenched right hand.  Blood welled and dribbled from his palm where the fang had pierced the skin.  The droplets fell from his hand before being taken by a sudden gust of wind.  He watched them go, filled by an urge to try to catch them before looking back down at his hand.

The blood dried as he watched, smooth scarlet darkening as it thickened and formed clumps.  He chuckled, nervously, with a stuttering chattering laugh.  With a careful touch, he cleared the blood away to find a quarter inch white line on his palm.

"What the hell is, augh-" James collapsed against the store's window, falling sideways while his knees slumped, forcing him to the ground.  Sweat beaded over his skin before soaking into his vest and shirt or sliding down his bare skin.  Heat formed along his spine before widening to encompass his entire body in pulsing waves that left him shuddering and grunting and grinding his teeth.

Aubrey's lips around the tip, kissing and licking until he shoved her mouth down with a growl to take the entire thing in her warm, wet mouth, bobbing with her nostrils opening and closing and her breath puffing against his pubic hair.

James raked his hand through his hair while grabbing at his crotch with the other.

"Yesssss like that, just like that, take all of it," he growled, squeezing and pumping himself in full view on the empty sidewalk.  "Take- Take it-"

He leaned forward, compressing his legs and bending until his stomach touched his thighs.  James slammed his hands down on the sidewalk and his exhaled breath, forced through his throat and past his lips, stuttered into a high pitched heckling laugh.  The young man clawed his nails over the rough concrete before wrapping his arms around his chest.  He licked his lips and panted, rocking in place until the warmth began to recede.

The repeated injections of testosterone surprised him with their results, but they were mostly expected and explained.  His increased libido was one, of course.  This was the first time he'd felt something strong enough to make him act out, especially in public.

It scared him.

And yet, as he sat back and leaned against the wall next to him to catch his breath, he felt good.

Wetness touched the hood at the base of his cock where it was pressed down against his crotch.  His lips trembled as his teeth grinded together and he clawed at his thighs to keep his hands from straying.

Over the span of several minutes, he raised himself up to a standing position.  He could still feel the aftereffects.  Warmth and a tingling throughout his body that left him sensitive and-

Aubrey on her hands and knees, ass up with her cheeks spread to-

James shook his head.  He pressed his right hand against his lower stomach, just above his belly button as hairs pierced his skin.  His nails clawed against itch spreading outward as follicles formed, taking root before spreading his flesh open to allow the slick hairs to lengthen in a line creeping along his midsection.  Sable hairs alternated with gray, creating a feathery line that slowly expanded to his sides as they continued to advance over his smooth chest.  He grunted, flashing his teeth before growling as the puckered line of his incision flattened.  The red and white scarring vanished as their coloring faded to match the surrounding skin.  His growl ended when he felt his nipples tightened and hardened beneath his shirt, leaving him gasping instead.

Something pinged at the back of his mind.  His nipples were numb - had been numb since the surgery.  He could feel them now, without pain, as they rubbed against the gauze to send electric shocks down his stomach.

James' fleshy hood stretched, growing smooth and taut as his cock lengthened at the same time.  He moaned, loudly.  Trapped beneath his underwear, his dick curved, sliding against skin and dark hairs.  The sensation of it was overwhelming, forcing him to shiver and chatter his teeth as he coughed out a stuttering nervous laugh that repeated until the growth stopped.

A few black and gray hairs emerged over his spine, scattered with inches of smooth skin between.  The bristle-like hairs pressed against his compression vest and the shirt he wore over it.

His head throbbed.  Anger washed over him, worse than previous occasions and his mother's stern face flashed in his mind until he pushed and pushed, forcing it all down deep.  His hackles rose, fine hairs standing tall until short black hairs grew among them, causing him to shiver once more.

Layers of protein formed keratin over his nails, oozing from his nail beds to cover his clear fingernails with ever darkening layers that caused the slight bulging nails to become more pronounced.  Dusky claws took root in his sore, bulging fingertips as their growths slid forward into short, blunt claws.

Uncomfortable pressure built in James' neck.  He opened his mouth wide while rotating his head and scratching the dark hairs spreading over his nape.  Thread-tin stretch marks appeared beneath the hairs when his neck extended fractionally by expanding vertebrae in his cervical spine.  He coughed when his throat crunched, the sickening sound conducted via his bones up to his ears.

As soon as it began, the changes stopped, leaving James gasping with eyes wide.  His sclera melted away to inky darkness, leaving him with a wide obsidian ring around his brown eyes and no white showing.

For a moment he wondered if he should call the hospital.  He bit his lip and thought to himself, running over the sensations he'd felt while comparing them to past experiences.  When he'd finished, and weighed the cost of a trip to the hospital, he sighed and shook his head.

Whatever it was, it passed, he told himself.  The hand holding the fang strayed towards his crotch until he forced it away.  Instead, he massaged his throat carefully with his other hand before slipping the necklace over his head.  I'll bring it up the next time I go in.  Maybe it's a dosage thing?

James gathered himself and looked around to get his bearings before crossing the street.  Bent over against the wind, his neck showed a subtle curve with its increased length.  The thin ruff of fur on nape waved, dragging back and forth against his hair.

Despite the strange sensations passing, he became aware of a tingling sensation circulating throughout his entire body.  It was energizing.  Reminiscent of when he first started on his treatments.  A vibration humming until every sinew and muscle and nerve was a livewire buzzing within.  His skin crawled in reaction and he found himself walking faster and faster until he broke into a run, eyes wide and mouth open.  Inhaling the cold wind as his feet pounded on the concrete.  The unbroken skin beneath the band of gauze gave no complaints while he pumped his arms.

The scattered black hairs growing over his legs due to the hormone treatments grew more dense, filling the gaps while spreading down his shins towards his ankles and, ultimately, his feet.  His toenails lengthened to scrape the inside of his sneakers every time the soles touched the sidewalk.

Forefeet slammed down and his calves absorbed the impact until his heels followed and he rolled forward, launching off of his toes and the balls of his feet.  His tongue dangled from the corner of his mouth, longer and longer as the wind whistled past.  The fur on the back of his neck thickened, lengthening while spreading to short peaks that touched his shoulders.  With each step, his heels raised higher and higher until he ran, bent at the knees on his forefeet alone.

Mid-step, crossing the street at a red light, his tailbone cracked free, the pain reduced to nothing by endorphins circulating through his body.  Tears flowed, called forth by the biting wind, but still he ran until his heart roared beneath his breastbone.

James slowed, gasping for air until he stopped and raked his hands through his hair.  His ears twitched, flexing away from his touch while baby fine black peach fuzz grew around their rounded edges.  Throwing his head back, he cackled with a stuttering, coughing laugh to express his wild excitement at pushing himself to his physical limit.

Laughter turned to wheezing and he gripped the metal post of the bus stop next to him, leaning into it to catch his breath.  The tip of his long tongue flattened against his canines until they pushed when they curved outward in a gradual, halting expansion that left him with short fangs barely peeking past his now bulging lips.  A spray of speckled silver and black hairs slipped through the skin between his eyebrows and up half an inch towards his hairline.

"God.  God.  When- when was the last time-" he gasped, coughed, growled, wiped drool from his lips and inhaled.

A couple passed him, giving him a wide berth only to whisper when they believed they were far enough away from him.

"Should we do something?" the woman whispered as James' ears twisted to catch her words.  Fuzzy silver hairs crept over the edges of his ears to grow from the flat skin inside, spiraling around and around until they reached his inner ear.  Skin gathered around the base of the ear in wrinkled lumps before pushing and forcing his ears out, wider and further from his head.

"Nah, I think- I think he's probably fine," the man said.  He looked back over his shoulder but turned quickly when he noticed James looking at him.  The thrill of the proper pronoun was lost to James' dwindling humanity.  "He's fine."

James wiped more drool from his lips as he turned in a slow circle.  When he realized he'd overshot the hair salon by a block, he turned and made his way back while wiggling his cramped toes.  His short claws cut tiny holes in the front of his shoes until their continued growth pushed them through the gaps, trapping them in place.

He'd spent days searching for an LGBTQ+ friendly salon, but the result had been worth it.  The ability to just relax while the stylist worked was worth the longer appointment wait times.  He pushed against the door and his hand slipped briefly against the smooth, thin calluses lining his fingers and the top of his palm.

A chorus of voices greeted James.  He smiled, waved and called out good afternoon before strolling over to the bench by the front door.

"Be right with ya, hun," a blonde haired woman called out from beside the chair where she worked.  James had initially winced at the term of endearment when he'd had his first appointment until he realized she said it for everyone.

James sat, bouncing his feet while clenching his hands against the counter, scratching the underside with his claws until grooves appeared.  He stood after two minutes and paced in small loops while scratching his chest and stomach.

Muscles built.  Breaking and reforming, denser every time in a rapid cycle of regeneration that pulled his shirt against his body.  He grunted and chuckled and scratched his side as the skin protruded on his back in twin, long bulges appeared beside his spine, highlighting his newly powerful muscles on his back. The neckline of his shirt strained when his trapezius swelled and ridges showed his deltoids.  The compression vest tightened, biting painfully into his skin as tears appeared arond the bands.  James growled quietly while massaging his neck.  Small holes opened in the short sleeves of his shirt when his biceps flexed and several seams on the sleeves of his jacket ripped.

His body tingled when the vertebrae in his neck pushed against nerves.  They were expanding again, milimeters at a time until fine gaps showed bare skin between the ruff covering his nape.

Without asking permission, James headed towards the bathroom.  He slipped inside, closing and locking the door behind him.  Passing the sink, he unbuttoned his pants and pushed his underwear down.

Suddenly agony brought him to his knees and forward, forcing his hands to the linoleum.  Needle-like jabs shot through the tip of his cock in a nauseating cycle.  He grunted, forcing air through his lungs in bursts while grinding his teeth to work through the cramps seizing his lower stomach.

Clear liquid, tinted yellow, dripped from the very tip of his penis as it continued to extend outward.  Pinching, twisting pain erupted along the elongating shaft.  The reddened flesh grew girthy while drooping beneath him as a canal opened within and erectile tissue built in a web-like scaffolding structure.  For a moment, his cock lifted, growing hard from the rush of hormones continuously flooding his body.  The tip tapped against his belly button and the surrounding fur before curving downward once more.

The thin, slick lips between James' labia withdrew as the labia themselves pressed together, sealing themselves into a smooth singular bump that swelled outward into the hint of a scrotum when fat and connective tissue filled the new space.  Scraggly hairs pierced the flesh and they spread, covering the lump in silky black fur.

James groaned and forced himself up, grabbing onto the urinal set against the wall.  Sweat dripped from the tip of his nose.  Deep, heaving breaths helped ease the pain as he folded his arms over the top of the smooth, cold white porcelain.  Head bowed, staring down, he watched in shock as pee sprayed from the tip of his cock.  He grabbed it when it began to twist from the pressure and held it in place to aim until his bladder was empty.

The energy and pain still pulsing through him left him in a drugged, dissociated state, separating him from his body until his eyes glossed over his claws gently gripping his thumb-thick flaccid cock.

His hand touched the hood circling the base of the penis, appearing as a thin sheath, and he cackled quietly as he slid his finger over the exposed shaft.  The slim, black-speckled callus covering the bottom of his finger glided over the length of flesh and his lips trembled at the sensitivity of the nerves - only slightly less responsive than the nub of his clit from before beginning his hormone treatments.  James squeezed himself and moaned, slipping his tongue from his lips to lap at the gray, cracked edges of his nostrils.

Instincts took over, pulling James back to the linoleum floor.  He sat and bent while lifting a leg trapped by his jeans.  His slightly elongated neck brough his mouth close to his crotch and he huffed before licking himself with long strokes of his broad tongue.  Growling and moaning when his rough tongue dragged against his new cock and down to his furry pseudo-scrotum.  He cleaned himself, eyes focused past the floor.  His tongue folded around his shaft, wrapping it completely until he reached the tip where he flexed his tongue to lick with a low, growling moan.  And then dragging his tongue down to the base and further again to the remains of his labia.

At the bottom of his stroke, he paused and inhaled, tilting his head at a strange, faint burning scent.  His nose reached for his asshole as flesh separated from the wrinkled skin to create a tiny pouch.  He could feel things moving in his waist as more tissue was created to form his anal glands.  The smell grew sharper until he remembered what he was doing previously.  He pulled back to continue licking.

The urge to orgasm built within.  He scored the tiles with his claws and growled quietly.  For a brief moment, he almost plunged his mouth down over the throbbing, bobbing shaft until Aubrey filled his mind.  She was his mate and she would pleasure him properly.  The thought made him growl again as he stood.  And swayed, leaning against the bathroom sink.

Thick silver fur clumped over the bulge of his tail above the split of his ass cheeks.  The black fur covering his spine reached a thin tendril of hair out to touch the mound of fur before blending into it.

Large holes opened in the back of his shirt when he bent and reached to turn on the water.  His compression vest broke with a sharp snap while the gauze was pulled into a slender, stiff line.  Muscles slick with sweat showed through the tears, lightly covered by fur but hidden by his jacket.

James brought his head down to the flowing water before turning to lap at the stream.  He splashed his face and nose and brow until he sated his thirst.  The coolness helped to pull him back from the edge of losing himself completely.

His jacket clung to his powerful upper body like a second skin and more seams tore when he leaned over to pull his pants and underwear up.  Cackling laughter erupted past his lips when he pushed at his cock, forcing it into his underwear and past the opening for his leg.  The cock was clearly outlined when he pulled his pants up his muscular thighs.  He ignored the button on his jeans and only years of habit kept him from forgetting to wash his hands on his way out of the bathroom.

The smell of sanitizers, shampoo, conditioners, hair spray, gels, and more assaulted James.  He growled and stepped back, raising up to his forefeet before settling back down and covering a sneeze with his arm.

"Ready for ya!" Jasmine, his hair stylist, said while patting her chair.  James nodded and walked over, sitting where requested and placing his hands against the inside of his spread legs.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Jasmine said while she touched his ruff.  She frowned, opened her mouth and then closed it firmly.

"Yeah," James said, his voice lower than before.  "Been busy.  And then-"

He shrugged, unwilling to share about the recent surgery.  He already felt awkward sitting there and when Jasmine wrapped the cape around him, his claws tore holes in his jeans as he forced himself to stay still.

"Let me- I'll, um, clean up your neck before getting started," Jasmine told him.  James jerked at the click and buzz of her trimmers and then yelped when they immediately got caught in his fur, pulling painfully against his skin.

"Leave it," James said, more harshly than he intended. He swallowed, licked the tip of his nose out of view of Jasmine and tried again.  His thoughts were scrambled, shrinking away to leave more complex thoughts out of his reach.  "Leave it.  Please.  Just the hair.  Shorter.  Short.  Masculine.  Like a- Masculine.  Like that.  Like that."

"Oh, honey, I know, I know, let me handle it," Jasmine said softly.  She pried her clippers carefully and then sighed before bringing her scissors in to gently cut them loose.  Once again she frowned at the thicker hair.  She bit the corner of her lip as she contemplated mentioning something.  Finally, deciding against it, she picked up her water bottle to spray James' hair.

Scissors snipped quickly, cutting away his shoulder-length hair to reveal more fur covering the scruff of her neck.  Jasmine reached out to slide her fingers through the fur, mesmerized at the feel of it until James jerked away from her.  The woman blinked and rubbed her nose against the faint cloying scent of something burning.  Her head spun slightly and she could feel herself growing warm.  Aroused.  She bit the front of her bottom lip and forced herself to continue despite the ache of her growing emptiness.  She shivered when the air stirred within the salon, toying with the fine blonde hairs lining her arms.

"Almost- almost done," Jasmine said.  Her legs wobbled slightly until she gripped the back of the chair with one hand.  The urge to lean in to kiss the back of James' neck was almost undeniable.  "Do you- do- do you want any products?  In your- hair?"

"No," James answered, turning his head to see how his short, curly black hair looked from the side.

Have to- have to ask about- about the hair between his eyebrows, Jasmine told herself.  She swallowed and groaned quietly.  A line of black and silver hair trailed up from the bridge of James' eyes to his hairline, branching out over his brow to reach his temples.  It's- I have- have to-

"All done," Jasmine gasped.  The scissors dropped from her fingers while her knees bent, forcing her to clutch at the chair to stay standing.

A chair away, Danique sat waiting for her next client with her fingers beneath her unzipped blue jeans.  The woman stared openly at James with a slack mouth while obviously rubbing her clit and jerking sporadically.

James growled as he scented the air.

"It's free.  Today.  Free.  Just.  Just oh god- god just- you- you have to- go," Jasmine panted as she slid down to the floor.

"Ohhhhh fuuuuuck yeesssss," Danique moaned while jerking in her chair.

James ripped the cape from his neck with a startled bout of cackling.  The seams surrounding the soles of his shoes pulled taut when muscles and tendons forced the bones in his forefeet apart.  Laces sawed together until he snarled and bent, ripping his jacket, shirt and the gauze down the back.  His claws raked through his laces, tearing them open to free his expanding feet.  The young man shook himself while grabbing at his chest, tearing and ripping until his massive upper body was bare but for the fur almost completely covering him.

"FUCK!  FUCK ME OH JAMES FUCK ME PLEASE!" Jasmine screamed, crawling towards him with her hand out.  She'd pulled her leggings off while James was distracted by his shoes and clear liquid ran down her pussy lips to dribble freely in a line beneath her. The woman collapsed, trapping her arm against her stomach and the floor.  She grunted as she shoved her fingers deep into her pussy.

Danique screeched beside her as she rode a bottle like a dildo, holding it with one hand while slamming down in a frenzy.

James pawed at his cock while looking between the women.  His tongue lashed at his lips and the fur slowly creeping over his cheeks.  Suddenly, his eyes rolled back, showing hints of white as he crashed back against the mirror.

Skin sagged on his belly and tiny droplets of milk welled out from invisible holes as his teats swirled outward into dark nipples that lined the side of his stomach.  Sweat raced down his neck to the fur growing thick on his chest.  His ruff expanded, curling around to the front of his throat.

He ran, crashing against the door in his haste.  The glass shattered, cutting into the thin paw pads growing along his forefeet and toes.  Someone screamed, but he ignored it.

Aubrey.  Aubrey.  Aubrey, he repeated in his head, scenting the air with his black nose raised as he raced, fading human mind mixing with the animalistic instincts to provide a map for the faint scent of his girlfriend's trail.

At the corner, he paused, dropping to his hands and feet.  The motion caused his jeans to finally tear and he kicked back while clawing with one hand until they were tatters strewn about the sidewalk.  His underwear fell beneath him and his cock, freed now, hung and waved in the wind.  His short tail slapped against the back of his ass cheeks.  He huffed loudly with his long, curved neck raised.

Two men shouted while a woman cursed.  James turned and snarled at them.  His ears flapped, the edges pulled wide while the fuzzy flesh filled out.

Catching Aubrey's scent once more, he ran, thigh muscles tensing like coiled springs to allow him to leap an astonishing distance before landing on his forefreet.  His early race paled as he streaked past astonished onlookers and outpaced the few cars driving downtown.

After several minutes, he slowed, dropping once more to skid on the bulbous black padding covering his hands and feet.  His tail swished behind him as he cackled and loped up the concrete stairs to Aubrey's apartment building, pausing only to rub his scent glands on the corner of the building, inside and outside before cautiously walking up the stairs to the second floor, still on all fours.

"Aubrrrrey," James growled as he shuffled past apartments.  Her room lay at the end of the hallway and his sharp ears picked up her distinct voice as she hummed and sang within.

In front of her door, he turned to rub his anal glands against it, smearing the creamy white liquid up and down the doorframe.  The scent of it wafted through the air, permeating the hallway immediately with a choking, thick smell.  Once finished, he crouched and clawed at the door.

"Coming!" Aubrey called out.

Always trusting, the young woman opened her door without checking the peep hole.  She appeared, smiling and staring past the top of James' head until she glanced down.

"J- J- James?" Aubrey said, shocked that she could recognize her boyfriend's face.  His cheekbones screeched as they pushed forward, raising his nostrils before widening them.

"Aubrrrrrr-" James growled happily, tackling her while kicking the door closed.  He licked her face and eyes and mouth while grinding down against her, accidentally marking her pants with the remnants of his secretion.

"You- you aren't- you- mmph!" she tried to say, which only allowed James to lick the inside of her open mouth.  The woman's hands beat against the mane growing from upper back until his scent slammed into her.

Aubrey moaned and writhed, lifting her chest, her stomach, and her hips while gripping the fur on James' back.  Her pupils dilated while drool spilled from the corner of her mouth and she exhaled with a shuddering breath.

James' teeth nipped at Aubrey's neck.  He raised up on hands and feet, nudging at the woman with the tip of his still expanding muzzle.  Aubrey gripped his face and pulled him down, moaning as she sucked his tongue back into her mouth to kiss him while writhing beneath him.  Her tiny, bare, braless nipples hardened to push against her shirt and she gasped while raising herself up to rub against his cock.

James pulled back and growled, lifting a hand to grip her shoulder.  He turned her roughly, clawing red marks in her skin before changing his grip to the back of her neck.

"Yessssss," Aubrey groaned, cheek to the floor and her eyes wide.  She raised her ass with her chest down, shoving into against her boyfriend.  James knelt and gripped the back of her sweats with his claws hooked beneath her panties.  He pulled, lifting her legs from the ground in order to fling the clothing away.

The faint sounds of loud sex from the first floor made his ears twitch.  It began with one or two voices but spread quickly.  Doors slammed open to spill people out into the hallway in a mass orgy fueled by James' scent spreading in the building.  A few pedestrians, passing too close to the markings outside, found themselves drawn in and joining.  Moans echoed from the two apartments closest to Aubrey's apartment as the scent slipped through cracks.

Aubrey's labia were swollen and red.  She panted and waved her ass while sliding her hands against the floor, overwhelmed by everything around her.  James gripped the back of her shirt.  With one hand still on her neck, he pulled, ripping the fabric easily to leave her bare.  His cackling laughter filled the front room.

He bent to her, dragging his tongue over her slender, bare back and up to her neck.  She gasped and gibbered, unable to form coherent thoughts when she felt the warm touch of his cock against her pussy.  The girl flexed, desperate to force the tip inside but it curved away from her.

Growling, James locked his teeth into Aubrey's shoulder, drawing blood that he cleaned with his tongue while still holding her in place.  She gasped but grew still and James, still growling, rocked back and then forward.  Wetness touched the tip of his cock.  Burning hot, he pushed and parted her pussy lips.  He could feel himself growing hard as he thrust slowly, easing himself in while relishing the sensation of fully penetrating her for the first time.

"Haaah- haah- ha- hahahaha!" Aubrey cackled, her voice cracking in a maniacal stuttering wild call to fully express her excitement.

Fur touched James' tongue.  He cleaned traces of blood from the tawny hair spreading over Aubrey's shoulder as the girl shoved back into James with a quiet snarl.  Drool dripped from the corner of Aubrey's mouth while sweat curved to her sides to fall to the floor.  Loose fur from James covered her body until her own fur began to grow in, sandy with white spots.

"Haha-haah-!" Aubrey stifferend and bucked, clawing at the ground while stretching and straining her body.  Her neck, reddened with veins standing out, popped in a sequence to push her head forward.

A roar filled James' ears as his own orgasm built.  His cock was lined with nerve endings that dragged against the muscles inside of Aubrey's tight little pussy.  His girlfriend clenched against him, gripping and squeezing.  Her tongue dangled further and further from her mouth before folding around the fangs curving from her bottom jaw.

James threw his head back while bearing down on Aubrey with his entire weight.  His teeth gnashed together while his tail curled.  Waves of pleasure spread throughout his body, pulsing from his belly.  Aubrey's pussy tightened like a vise, sending him over the edge as it began to push him out.  Her clit swelled, forcing the hood back as it lengthened beneath her, thinner and shorter than her boyfriend's cock.  As her labia began to seal shut, Aubrey squealed from another orgasm and screams of others on her floor echoed around her.

Aubrey rolled to her back with her legs splayed and her arms reaching up to pull James towards her.  Her nails bit into his back, but he ignored the pain as they licked each other's mouths.

The young woman retracted her own penis, creating an opening that James forced his cock into, pounding into her frantically, eager for more orgasms.  Aubrey's breasts, half covered in fur, shook and slapped together while her ass drummed against the ground, creating a rhythm only broken by her small tail thumping off-beat.  Tiny teats swelled beneath Aubrey's breasts in two columns, shaking in slight movements as fur crept between them.

When James felt another orgasm building, he pressed himself against Aubrey, biting and licking her neck.  Aubrey encircled his shoulders, hugging him tightly.  The pleasure of James pushing into her cock was unique and extraordinary.  Her eyes showed white while her lips parted to bare her fangs.  Miniature orgasms continuously erupted within, in cascading pulses of pleasure throughout her body until James jerked to a stop.  His claws drew blood as he trembled with his snout in Aubrey's fur until he raised his muzzle to cackle from yet another orgasm.


They woke in the kitchen, amidst the strewn remains of food containers.  Loud moans still surrounded them.  Exhausted voices cried out, gasping and groaning from endless release.

James stirred, corded forearms tightening while his biceps bulged and his back muscles flexed.  He pawed at his face, growling as bones crunched.  Blood filled his mouth, forcing him to swallow when his shrinking fangs cut his gums.  Black, silver, tan, and white fur fluttered around him.  Pain flared in his hips, forcing him to arch his back when his tailbone receded with back-cracking pops.

He hung his head, gasping for breath until an alien sensation startled him.  His cock dragged against the floor with every inhaled and exhaled breath.  He shouted and fell back, watching as the cock bent and bounced against his thigh.  When he realized it was attached to him, he reached a tentative hand out to touch it, hissing and jerking his hand back at the sensitive response.  Swallowing, he reached down past the base and moaned when he felt the fuzzy mound of his pseudo-scrotum.

Fur fell away from his chest at his touch, leaving thick chest and body hair behind.  He yelped when his nails scraped his teats and that sent him into another bout of self exploration, touching each in turn.

He waited for his cock to change back and for the teats to flatten and vanish, but they remained and he moaned and covered his mouth, only to feel his sharp little canines.

Aubrey groaned beside him, drawing James' attention.  He stared at her prone body, covered with a thin trail of hair that spread from her mound up between her breasts.  He exhaled when he saw her own pink teats on the side of her body and then he sighed when he saw her small cock resting against the floor.  His own cock stirred and harden at the sight of her.

"James?" Aubrey asked sleepily.

"Ah, yeah," James said.  He swallowed and then reached out a hand to rest on her smooth, wide hip.  "We, uhh, there's something I need to tell you."

"Why're you all fuzzy?" Aubrey said.  She giggled and then laughed, covering her mouth as it turned into a cackling, animalistic sound.

"Well, that's the thing..."


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