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Took another break to make a quick little piece of werewolf fan fiction for rosecrowley  since I appreciate all the werewolf-y-ness presented!  

Rose sat, staring at her book without properly seeing it.  Her small, old living room was cold from the snow swirling outside the frost covered window near her couch but it's chill didn't touch her.  

Not tonight.  

She glanced to the window.  Her lip pulled up, a little tic, a twitch of muscles beginning to develop below her skin.

Again, the involuntary twitch.  To show her canines.

She could hear the roar of the wind outside as the snow spun in eddies and waves, blanketing the street.  The rounded edges of her ears unfolded like an opening flower before skin gathered from the base and they slid through her soft hair.  Red stubble lined the backs as they twisted to take in the sounds outside.

The book, like the ones beyond, was old.  It dipped into the lore of ceremonial magic - a historical treatise of the from the beginning of recorded history to its usage in "current" history.  Current meaning the 1970s, in this instance.

The flames from the fireplace far in the corner caressed her shoulder-length red hair, the color shifting to brown and nearly blonde as shadows fought fire for dominance in the otherwise dark room.

With a sigh, she scratched behind her ear and a few reddish hairs emerged beneath her fingers.  Hooking her fingers, she clawed the hairs as they slowly spread, growling low in her throat at the feel of her nails against her skin.

Dropping her hand, she rubbed her wrist, toying with the light hairs slowly sprouting from her skin.  The book was fascinating and she devoured all she could on the subject.

And more.

She said the words, offered herself up as a vessel, lit the candles, filled the cup and prayed, naked and bowed in the center of a hand carved ring.  For nothing.  She traced down lead after lead in ancient texts in hopes to find the right way. Her knowledge on the subject was vast and she knew she could give lectures if needed.  She was a hidden authority and, yet, it was all just theoretically.

With a snarl, she flung the book aside and stood in her soft robe.  

It called to her.  She thought of it as the voice beyond.  When she was a child, it spoke to her but she could no longer remember the words.  It was the memory that left her transfixed and drove her to find it again.  To find her place.  The world was out of step and she was simply trying to right it.  To find the light in the darkness.  Lucifer bringing the flame into a world shrouded in fear.

Hair lifted on her nape and continued to lengthen, tangling with her loose locks and spreading until the thick mane of fur dipped down between her shoulders.  

Blood dripped to the floor with each step, welling from the tips of her fingers until gravity took hold and she left a trail on the hardwood floor.  Her foot stepped in the blood to leave a footprint and she tilted her head, breathing deeping as the aroma teased her nose.  Drool filled her mouth but she swallowed and scratched at the silky fur beginning to cover her throat.

At the next step, the bloody outline of her foot was shortened, the heel barely made an imprint and the balls of her feet were wider.  

Her joints began to throb.  She worked her arms, digging nails into her shoulder as sweat formed on her body, sliding down her face, her collar bone and between her breasts.  Lower, gliding around her belly button and into the short, curly red hair between her thighs.

More sweat beaded on her chest and back and she shrugged out of her robe.  

Two fingernails fell away from her right hand.  Glossy obsidian curved in their absence.  She scratched her stomach, groaning at the pleasurable feeling when the growing claws left red marks beneath her ribs.  She dug in and more nails fell away to reveal claws tipping each finger.  

Rose licked her lips with another growl.  She felt overly sensitive.  She could feel the sweat gliding down her body like a lover's touch, teasing her.  She leaned into the wall next to her with a groan, licking her lips again.  The tip of her tongue rasped against her nose as she thrust her ass out.  Bones popped and cracked, spreading her hips as her tailbone came free to push against the skin low on her back.  

The bloody prints in the ground only showed the wide spread of her forefoot now, on both feet.  The vague spade shape of the padding growing on the bottom of her feet showed in the middle of her paw print.

A line of scattered red fur covered her spine.  She ran her hands along her body, squeezing a breast while her other hand slid through the thick fur growing over her mound, pulling and tugging at the tuft while her claws gouged her flesh.  

The skin along her body tightened to show hard lines of muscles growing beneath.  She growled, loudly now and lowered herself to her knees, panting while going to one hand with the other between her thighs.  

She'd offered herself to the Beast the last time she'd spoken the words.  Pleading with him to-

Her eyes widened, flecks of gold invading the pale brown as she stared at her hand.  At the claws biting into the wood floor.

At the fur covering the back of her hand.  She watched as hairs pushed through the bulging muscles of her forearm. Veins stood out beneath sweat-soaked skin and her tongue hung beneath her.

A fist gripped inside of her and she moaned, raising her ass as the stub of her tail wavered behind her.  Her voice wavered and cracked into a snarling growl when fire burned her nose.  Bones screeched in her ears as her cheeks cracked and slid forward, pulling the tip of her nose flat as her muzzle began to form.

"Yes!" she screamed, going back to her heels with her arms spread.  Her breasts shook before her, dotted with fur. She raised her muzzle and yelled, willing it to become a howl. She tried, furiously, to find the muscles she needed within to make the proper noise.  It refused to come, instead a mockery of a human imitating a wolf.  She snarled and then groaned, lowering her forehead to the ground and then curving her spine while raising her ass again.

Black dotted her slick pussy lips.  It spread, consuming the soft pink lips until they were swollen and dark and dripping with her arousal.  She reached a paw beneath her, rubbing the still-forming padding against her hardened stomach.  Her fingers clawed through thick fur before dipping between her lips.

A darkness filled the room, at the corner of her eyes.


It spoke to her.  The Beast.  She gasped and shuddered and flung her head back.  Her lips bulged away from her canines as they grew thick in her jaw.  She tasted blood when they began to lengthen and her wide tongue cleaned them.  Her premolars cracked and flowed to sharp points as more fangs split her gums to fill the gaps in her elongated muzzle.

Bright points of pinching pain erupted along her belly.  She reached beneath her to touch her stomach and feel the twisting skin as her teats took root but the Beast fell upon her.

As she felt its weight and the warmth of its fur and the iron-hot feel of its cock sliding between her thighs, she raised her head once more and, this time, her true howl pierced the air and the raging storm outside.


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