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I'm working on the next story but took a break to write a very, very short little bimbo scene.  Hope you enjoy!

Kids are the fucking worst, she thought to herself with back to the classroom as the marker she held squeaked along the whiteboard.  *None of these little senior assholes are going to go to college.  What the hell are they going to do with their lives?"

Her long skirt swayed as the cream colored sleeves of her sweater fell back to reveal slim wrists.  The class was mostly silent as they worked on failing their test and she made notes for the upcoming week.

Nobody studied and- she told herself before something hit her ass.

She turned, startled to see a crumpled piece of paper roll against the floor.  Every single student focused on their test as she frowned and bent to pick up the paper.


It was written in a pink permanent marker.  She could smell the chemicals, still.  It was fresh with bold lines and the scent wafted up to her before invading her brain.  She giggled and then covered her mouth before staring harshly at the kids.

Her frown trembled as her lips filled out, glossy pink creeping out from beneath the skin to line them with perfection.  She brushed hair away from her eyes, half brown and half blonde before tapping her lips.

A finger slipped into her mouth, surprising her until she realized it was her own.  She sucked at it, twisting her tongue around it while pushing and pulling it between her full, pouty lips.  She could feel her nail dragging against her tongue as it lengthened in her mouth and the rest of her nails grew to match.  Specks of hot pink polish appeared in spots before spreading to cover her nails completely.  She pulled her finger free with a pop and her breasts jiggled from it.  They swelled beneath her sweater, fatty tissue growing as they overfilled her bra.  There was pain for a moment until the bra slipped beneath them.

The teacher's shirt filled out and pushed forward, exposing her belly.  She felt the weight of them until she leaned back to stand straight, running her long nails through her blonde hair.  Her breasts continued to grow and she moaned quietly when the scratchy sweater dragged against her nipples.  

Her mouth opened in a smile and she toyed with her hair as she stared around the room.  She walked around her desk, one foot in front of the other with an exaggerated movement that made her hips sway.  She could feel her skirt pressing into her side as her ass began to grow, skin stretching and pushing against the soft fabric.  Her panties pulled tight between expanding thighs when she reached the first row.

A single, wrapped lollipop lay on her students desk. She took it, unwrapped it and sucked on it loudly with a giggle.  She desperately needed something in her mouth but she needed the right one-

Another giggle.  It didn't matter, did it?  It didn't matter who it was.

She took the sucker out and shoved it into Vanessa's mouth when she passed the girl's desk.  The nerd girl was the only one who ever paid attention.  She needed something to fill her smart little mouth with.

"What the hell!" the girl said, pulling it free and throwing it across the room. She wiped at her lips as they began to swell and her eyes widened when she giggled uncontrollably and her shirt began to expand.

Ignoring her, the teacher grabbed the nearest boy.  She couldn't remember his name but it didn't matter.  She turned his chair and sat on top of him while pulling down her sweater to expose her breasts as her long skirt covered his lap and legs.  The room erupted around her when she shoved the boy's mouth onto her nipple with a happy sigh.  Her ass rubbed back and forth against his crotch and she could already feel how wet she'd made his bluejeans.

And how thick he was.  With a giggle that Vanessa matched behind her, she reached down to unzip the boy's pants as he grabbed her massive tit with both hands.

*Maybe they aren't all useless*, she told herself as she pulled his cock towards her dripping sex.


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