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           L’s wings tremble as she sits stiffly, crowded into the booth with the local merrow crime boss Cadogan.  He leans in close, grinning several rows of serrated teeth at her.  Whether or not this is meant to be friendly or not isn’t immediately obvious.
           "Can't say I've seen a nymph like you ‘round ‘ere before. Clientele? Or cartel? Girl like you, probably work for the..." Cadogan flutters his free hand, "Nymph team? Flutter crew? Grady help me out here."
           "Butterfly brigade." Grady offers dully.
           "BUTTERFLY BRIGADE!" Cadogan cheers.
           It takes L a moment to realize this is a joke she should be laughing at.

           The abruptness of her laughter throws Cadogan, who’s grin is replaced by a quirked half smile. She stares glassily at the merrow, overwhelmed,  before her focus snaps back.
           "Aha, n-no, no. Hedrick just hired me yesterday. "I work here now."
           "New talent, huh?" Cadogan asks, sitting back with one hand on his chin, looking her over speculatively. "Gonna be hard to beat Selkie. Pure Hollywood class, that girl. Been trying to poach her for years. Though if she's the one showing you the ropes, I'm sure you'll get it in no time.”
           Cadogan leans back and digs out a cigar, considering it.  "... and then when the time comes for me to show you the ropes, you'll be ready yeah?” He adds with a hungry chuckle, extending the cigar to her.
           L just stares, confused.
           Cadogan’s heavy arm pulls her in conspiratorially as he mutters  “This is the bit where you light it, love.”
           “I… don’t have a lighter.” L swallows.
           A thin silver rectangle glides effortlessly across the table and into her lap.  She looks over at Grady.  It could have only come from his direction, but she hadn’t seen him move.
           Taking it she sparks it three times before getting a light.   Cadogan lowers his hand like a benevolent lord, holding steady as L gets the cigar to catch.  Self satisfied, Cadogan sits back and takes a long pull, before breathing out a vaporous cloud of turquoise smoke.
           "Speaking of the little seal, shouldn’t she be out here?” Cadogan asks, casting around.
           “I haven’t seen her all night.”
           L croaks.  "Selkie...?"
           “Ah course Selkie.  Who else?”
           Didn’t Cadogan know?
           L folds her hands, shifting nervously.
           Should she say anything?   Should she NOT?

           Better to be honest.

           “I’m, actually… her replacement.”
           Cadogan sniffs. The seat creaks.
           “Replacement? Our Selkie? Go on, lass, pull the other one. They wouldn’t sack her, she’s the best in the - “
           “She’s dead, Cadogan.” Grady interrupts, his voice as dry as ever. “ Didn’t you hear?  Of course they’ve got a new girl.  Business.”
           L stiffens. So does Cadogan.  She can see his eyes go from black to dead, stark white.
           "... that's not funny, Grady” Cadogan rumbles, something L can feel more than hear.
           Grady shrugs, staring at L like a pinned insect. “She’s been dead for days boss. Caught in crossfire. Some big shot dryad did her.”
           L flinches back, her antennae prickling. How much of what happened was public knowledge? How many details were known?  Had Grady recognized her?
           Would Cadogan turn on her?
           “I’m…I’m sorry…” L stammers, wings trembling. “Gr-Grady’s right, sh - ”
           She’s cut off by a roar, as Cadogan’s fists crash down on the table surface. It cracks, jagged lines splintering and snaking through the marble.
           “MURDERED?” Cadogan bellows, loud enough to rattle glass across the hall.
Grady’s head ripples.  Nonchalantly he checks his wrist for the time.
           Surging to his feet, Cadogan scatters the lamp and table decorations that shatter across the floor.  Seething and heaving. Cadogan glowers down at L.  “IS THIS TRUE?!”
           The poor girl’s petrified, her antennae quivering under the stench of blood and salt pouring off of him.   She tries to speak, but no words come out.

           Seeing her like this… he sucks in a breath.  Poor lass.
           Cadogan’s anger twists as he reigns it in.

           "T-the K-King…” he stutters, his fists tightening on the shattered tabletop. “She saw to it, didn’t she? Raked the bloody bastards over the coals?”  Large tears well in his eyes.  “Tell me she pulled them to bits. G-gave them the worst she could give. She cares about her people, yeah? She d-does things p-proper."
           Looking up at the verklempt shark, L draws on her reserves.   This was her job.  She was here to take care of her clients.
           So that’s what she’s going to do.
           Hesitantly at first, she places a shaky hand on his arm.  "The King… personally took care of the whole thing” L starts, carefully.   “I promise.  Everyone involved in Selkie’s death will wish they’d never even heard of the market.”
           Grady takes out a kerchief and wordlessly hands it to Cadogan.  Cadogan takes it without a glance, then noisily blows his nose.
           "S-sorry to have this be our introduction lass." Cadogan blubbers. He wads up the kerchief and hands it back to Grady before landing heavily on the booth seat,  emotionally spent.
           L lets out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding as the merrow gives her a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.  "You're new and all on yer own” Cadogan says dripping pity.
           "Oh, no, everyone's been so kind - " L lies frantically, but Cadogan just smiles again and waves away the objection.
           "Lucky you, we're big ol' softies. Ain't that right, Grady?"
           "Of course, sir. Altruists through and through." Grady agrees, his eyes narrowing slightly.
           "That's right." Cadogan says, emphasizing with a snap of his fingers. "We'll walk you through it, help you live up to Selkie’s legacy."  He digs into his pocket and pulls out a glimmering obsidian card, slamming it on the table before flicking it over to her.  It bounces over the newly-uneven tabletop, and L catches it gingerly, careful not to slice her fingers on the edges. L stares at the thin glass rectangle, surprised it hasn’t shattered from Cadogan's rough handling.
           Cadogan tips her a wink.  "Go tell that barkeep of yours to get us the usual. He’ll know.”
           L nods frantically, backpedaling as Cadogan waves her out of the booth. She nearly trips over the fallen lantern, stopping just long enough to scoop it up.  "A-absolutely, sir! And I'll make sure that you're both taken care of like she would have wanted!"
           “That’s how it’s done! You’re a natural, uh…” Cadogan pauses.  "Oy, hold on. What’s your name moth girl?"
           L hesitates…then ducks her head with a lopsided smile. "L.” Her wings edge back out. Just a little. "Just L."
           "L, huh? Pretty name. This here is Grady, and you can call me Big C." Cadogan says, jabbing his thumb at himself.   "It's a pleasure."
           "Nice to meet you, Big C.  Grady." L nods her head, her tone growing more relaxed. "I'll be right back," and hurries off.
           At the bar Trystan is busy arranging bottle. With far more care than Cadogan had shown, she places the glimmering obsidian on the bartop, placing the shattered lantern to the side.   It's almost impossible to tell if she's done things the way she's supposed to, but the results...
           "He says he wants the usual." L sneaks a glance back over her shoulder, pushing the card a little closer to Trystan.  "That's good, right?"
           Trystan looks down at the obsidian rectangle. "Did you make a pun or something?" He asks, sliding the card off the table and turning to sort through his jars, picking out a glittering gold chalice.  "Big C is easy like that."
           "No, we just...talked a little." L folds her hands. "His friend Grady handled all of that."
           She watches the light sparkle off of the bottles, tilting her head back and forth slightly as it dances hypnotically in her vision. "Is everything okay back here? How's Ian?"
           "I sent him to check what we have in the back. It should keep him busy while you settle yourself in." Trystan says, his hands flying back and forth between the shelves as he works. "Don’t worry about him, he’s picking things up swimmingly. You’ve got enough on your little hands for the moment, don’t you?”
           L’s cheek flush with embarrassment, and she gives a slight nod. Trystan smiles in approval.
           “How are you enjoying your first taste of..."  He gestures to her outfit.  "... being the toy for the crowd to play with."
           L flinches, plucking at the sleeves. "That's not...I mean, I'm just..."
           She deflates, her wings lowering as Trystan sets out a row of glasses.   "That's really it, isn't it? I'm here to bring drinks and..." L's voice drops off into a mumble.  "...look pretty?"  She gives her head a shake, trying to snap out of her lingering moroseness.   "It's more...interesting than my last job. Can't argue that, can I?"
           Trystan pours out a measure of silvery liquid into each glass, giving each a swirl as he goes. They glitter and ripple, moving like a living thing.
           "You know..." He starts, his eyes on the drinks as he sprinkles shavings of gold leaf onto the liquid’s surface. Tiny flares of light sparkle in the air as they land. "... if you play your cards right, you can really get a lot of leverage working a job like yours. Rich old men fawning over someone cute like you… I’m sure they’d be glad to shower you with baubles and affection, and if you’re willing… other things."
           L winces. Trystan glances up with a wicked smile.
           "... stories, of course. Nothing unsavory. Which makes me wonder, what might a little nymph like yourself go looking for in this line of work?  Chosen or not. There must be something."
           L leans onto the bar, folding her wings around herself like a cloak.
           "I'm just happy that we're safe."  L rubs at her neck. “R-relatively speaking. You know?"
           "Ian has been filling me in on some of the details." Trystan says, tearing a few strong-smelling leaves into small strips.  "I'm genuinely sorry to hear you were on the run. We fae can be so cruel sometimes.  It's in our nature. We aren't human, after all."   He arranges the glasses on a platter, tapping his chin as he considers them "... but then again, I suppose neither are you."
           "I'm - " L starts, almost indignantly, then stops again.
           It's strange to have it in the open like that.  Like having her wings out.
           "...I guess...not."   She picks up the platter, balancing it carefully in both hands.   "Thanks Trystan.  I’ll be back.”
           L slips away from the bar back to the table. This time, her smiles a little more genuine.  "I'm not quite sure what this is, but he seems like he knew what he was doing. How's it going over here?"
           Cadogan sits upright, the pensive expression on his face dropping away as he sees her approach. "Better now that you’re here." L sets the platter on the table and Cadogan snatches up the closest glass, gives it a swirl, and tips it back.
           Behind him, figures start to move down the stairs. Hunched shapes. Strange movements under hooded jackets. Some oddly tall, some low and scurrying, but all of them carry themselves…easily. As if they own the place.
           L smiles, her antennae tracking the new arrivals. That probably means more work for her, and who knows if they're as friendly as Cadogan, but...what she told Trystan feels right, in a way.
           This is more interesting than the Cromart.  Maybe it's something she could be good at, if she tried. Fitting in with these strange people. Finding out what - who - they were.
           A sudden, impulsive thrill runs down her spine. She winks at Cadogan.
           "Well, you’re a regular, right? He knows you're a..."  L mimes the little obsidian rectangle. "...card shark."
           Cadogan blinks in confusion, then his face creases in uproarious laughter. His sides shaking as he pounds at the table, the cracks deepening with every blow. "Keep it up, lass, and I ought to give you Grady’s job!”
           L smiles nervously at Grady, watching his expression sour. If Lyra was trying to warn her about him…maybe antagonizing him wasn’t the best -
           “Here! For the trouble! A little something we got from a wreck in the Channel!”  Cadogan slams something heavy down on the table, grinning broadly. L’s eyes widen as he removes his hand, and she catches the glint of gold.
           “O-oh, you don’t have to - “
           Her eyes widen further. It’s a gilded shark tooth, just as big as Cadogan’s own. He gives a dark chuckle.  “We weren’t the first to get there, of course! Go on, I insist! Have a little souvenir!”
           “If you’re worried about anyone looking for that,” Grady adds, a twinkle of malicious glee in his voice. “...don’t be.”
           L swallows nervously and slides the tooth into her apron pocket. Cadogan smiles approvingly…then his expression sobers, just as L’s antennae twitch in warning. She stiffens just as three arms grab hold of her.
           "Gentlemen.” Hedrick growls cheerfully. “We hope L has been taking proper care of you tonight."
           "She's been a real gem." Cadogan says, rubbing at his eyes. "Gutted to hear about Selkie." He says, and raises his glass.  "To Selkie."
           Grady raises his glass, and they both take a swig.
           "To Selkie." Hedrick reiterates, his expression going dark.
           "I'll pour out a saucer tonight in her honor." Cadogan pronounces
           Hedrick's eyes glitter, and he nods. "Not to interrupt, but I'd like to steal our L here away for a moment."
           Cadogan gestures magnanimously. "Don't take her for too long! I can already tell she’s a good one!"   Hedrick nods again, then ushers L away, tucking them both behind a corner.
           As soon as they’re out of sight, he clasps his hands together, rubbing them nervously.
           She looks down, frowning.  It's only been a couple days, but L doesn't have the impression that Hedrick gets nervous. L drops her voice to a hushed whisper before speaking.  "Is everything okay? I thought I was doing alright-”
           "Great, great. Ya did great, jes'..."  Hedrick tilts his head down, rubbing his temples.  "It's... not you. Well, it's sorta you. It's... look, we're bound by hospitality rules.  Yer protected here, no one can touch you s'long as yer in the Market. You understand that, right? But there’s rules. We can't turn guests away, it's a part of..."
           A heavy weight presses against L’s chest. Her mouth goes dry. Hedrick keeps rambling, waving his arms at her in a way he probably thinks is reassuring.
           "But yer SAFE here. Yer good. You understand that, right?"
           "Hedrick...?" L rasps out. "Hedrick, who can't you turn away?"

           She already knows the answer.
           It had only been a matter of time, after all.

           Hedrick looks up into L's face, then away, then down. He extends his hand out across the Glade.  "You got a customer."
           The room’s started to fill up, crowds of fae taking the seats that Madeline escorts them to. L doesn't even need to look to see which one is her.
           She can feel her. Waiting. Sitting alone next to the pool.  Her hand tracing the water surface. The only person it could be.  Her golden hair shimmering in the lights.


Continue Reading ->


Thanks for reading along!   
Be sure to check in Friday April 8th to read
Ch13: The Pursued (pt1)




Oof. Will Cadogan find out Astraea, the one who fried Selkie, is just on the other side of the room? I really hope he doesn’t blame L once he learns the full story.